Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Center
Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Center (PATRAC)
East Stroudsburg University is a participating institution of the Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Center (PATRAC). PATRAC was established as a one-stop shop for transfer students, academic advisers/faculty, and administrators to provide current and accurate information and resources about course transferability and the college transfer process.
Students interested in transferring to East Stroudsburg University (ESU) can access the following PATRAC resources to help facilitate a smooth transition from their current college to ESU.
30-Credit Transfer Framework - Students who successfully complete courses from the approved Transfer Credit Framework will have their credits transferred and counted toward graduation at ESU.
Statewide Program-to-Program (P2P) Agreements – Students who graduate with specified associate degrees will transfer as juniors to ESU. P2P serves as pathways from the community college to an ESU degree.
- Course Equivalency Databases - see how your courses will transfer to ESU.
- Create a PATRAC Account – Track your transfer credit, and your transfer progress to ESU.
- Transfer Guidance – tools to help assist you in your transfer planning to ESU.
- Transfer Counselor Recruitment Calendar – Meet up with an ESU transfer counselor.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Reibman Administration Building
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3542
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3933 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Director, Transfer & Non-Traditional Admissions
- Name
- James Garraway
- E:
- jgarraway1@esu.edu