All research involving human subjects conducted at the East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania or under its sponsorship at another location must be reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board (referred to as IRB).

Review is also required of research carried out under the sponsorship of an institution other than the East Stroudsburg University, but which is performed on the premises of East Stroudsburg University even if the research has already been approved by the IRB at the sponsoring institution or elsewhere.

These policies result from the desire of the East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania to comply with federal regulations requiring the establishment of such a board.

More fundamentally, the policy stems from the University’s self-imposed commitment to safeguard privacy, the rights and welfare of human participants in all research under its sponsorship, and to serve as their protector on behalf of the community of persons of which the University is a part.

Please visit the corresponding links to learn more about the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

CITI LogoESU has purchased a membership to the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), an online resource that provides research training on Responsible Conduct of Research that is required under NSF and NIH funding and the training on Human Subject Research that IRB’s require of any research involving human subjects, among other training.

CITI provides the training using on-line modules which include content and quizzes and produces an audit trail, verifying who has completed the training.

The subscription is active for ESU. Those who wish to complete training simply need to sign up, and proceed to click on the Register button underneath Create an Account. Please select either Biomedical Research or Social-Behavioral Research Modules for completion.

Contact Us

Please contact the chair of the Institutional Review Board with any questions.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Koehler Fieldhouse
(570) 422-3302
(570) 422-3616 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Chair Institutional Review Board
Shala Davis