Interlibrary Loan Services

Use Interlibrary Loan Services (ILL) to get books, articles, a dissertation or thesis not owned by East Stroudsburg University Library, or not currently available to us in full text. Through cooperative agreements with other libraries, print and electronic resources across the nation are available to eligible East Stroudsburg University users.

At Kemp Library, ILL services are available to current ESU faculty, staff, and students. Be sure to check the library catalog Primo or the A-Z Databases page before making an ILL loan request, to make sure the library does not already have the item. Ask a librarian for assistance if needed. Please note that ESU does not lend out Ebooks through the Interlibrary Loan System or EZ Borrow Reshare System.

What Items Can I Order Through Each Service?

If you need... Please use...
Books EZ-Borrow Reshare
Articles, theses, dissertations or books ILLiad

Please Note: Use full citations when requesting articles. This will expedite the retrieval of your article.

Is there a charge for ILL or EZ-Borrow Reshare?
In the majority of cases, we are able to obtain materials at no cost.
How long does it take for requests to arrive?

EZ-Borrow Reshare requests generally take 3-5 business days to arrive.

An article ordered through electronic delivery is usually available within 24-48 hours.

Interlibrary loan books arrive within 1-3 weeks depending on the location of the lending library and method of delivery.

How do I receive requested books or articles?

When requested material arrives, an email notification is sent to the patron.

Books may be picked up at the Library Circulation Desk whenever the library is open. Patrons have 7 days to pick up their books. After 7 days, the book is returned to its lending institution.

Articles are posted to your ILLiad account as a PDF document. You will receive a notification email with retrieval instructions.

Where do I return ILL books?
ILL books can be returned to the Circulation Desk staff whenever the Library is open.
How long can I keep the items I borrow?

EZ-Borrow Reshare books have a lending period of 16 weeks and are not renewable.

Interlibrary loan lending periods are determined by the lending library, so they vary. Usually a standard lending period is around 4 weeks and are not renewable.

It is imperative that the patron picks up the book as soon as notification is received. The patron has 7 days to pick up books or they will be sent back to the lending library.

All libraries have the right to recall items at any time. If an item that you have borrowed is recalled by the lending library, we will contact you and ask you to return it

EZ-Borrow Reshare books are not renewable. The majority of articles are not renewable. Download, print, or save a copy of your article ASAP after receiving it if you want to keep it permanently.

Contact Information - Interlibrary Loan Services

Interlibrary Loan Coordinator and ILLIAD: Tommaso Maddalena,, (570) 422-3914

EZ-Borrow Reshare

Contact Us

Call Kemp Library phone directory for more information about resources and services (570) 422-3465.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Kemp Library
(570) 422-3465
(570) 422-3151 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Department Chair
Elizabeth Scott
(570) 422-3584