Our Suites house a large majority of our upper class students.

Students each have a semi-private bathroom in their suite that they share with one other student. These halls have amenities such as pool tables, ping pong tables, three computer labs, eight laundry rooms, three kitchens, a main lounge, and study lounges on each floor. Closets are all built in and all furniture is moveable. Beds are XL-Twin and each unit has a kitchenette. All units have fully adjustable heating and air conditioning.

Hawthorn SuitesHawthorn Suites

Hawthorn Suites houses 484 students. Double room units are single gender, while single room units may be single gender or mixed gender, by request. Hawthorn Suites also houses Recreation Center B.

Hemlock Suites

Hemlock Suites houses 478 students. Double room units are single gender, while single room units may be single gender or mixed gender, by request. Hemlock Suites houses the University Police and Residence Life and Housing Offices.

Sycamore SuitesSycamore Suites

Sycamore Suites is the newest of the residential buildings on campus and houses 495 students. Double room units are single gender, while single room units may be single gender or mixed gender, by request. Sycamore Suites is the home of OASIS, CAPS, Student Conduct, and the Health & Wellness offices.

Contact Us

The Residential Life & Housing department is our central office. We are open normal business hours in Hemlock Suites, but in case of an emergency, please contact University Police at (570) 422-3064.

Hours of Operation

8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed for federal holidays

Contact Information

Campus Address
Hemlock Suites, South Wing
(570) 422-3460
(570) 422-3952 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader