Our Traditional Halls house a large majority of our first year students.

Students on the floor share a bathroom located down the hall. These halls have amenities such as pool tables, ping pong tables, pianos, computer labs, a larger laundry facilities, a main lounge, and study lounges on each floor. Our Traditional Halls are not air conditioned. However, if you have allergies or asthma and can provide documentation to OASIS by June 1 and are approved, we will supply you with a window unit for your room. Non-window units are not allowed.

Laurel Hall

Laurel Residence HallLaurel Hall is a favorite for upperclass students because of its proximity to the University Center, Stroud Hall classrooms, and the dining hall. It housed 212 students and is co-ed by wing.

Lenape Hall

Lenape Hall is one of our traditional halls and houses 272 students. Male and female students reside side by side on floors 1-4, 7th floor is female. Lenape Hall was recently renovated and reopened in August 2018.

Minsi Hall

Minsi Hall has a limited number of single rooms for upper-class students. Male residents occupy floors 1 and 3, and female residents occupy floors 2 and 4. For Fall 2024, it will house 90 students, and beds are full-size XL beds and plans to expand for Fall 2025 are underway.

Contact Us

The Residential Life & Housing department is our central office. We are open normal business hours in Hemlock Suites, but in case of an emergency, please contact University Police at (570) 422-3064.

Hours of Operation

8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed for federal holidays

Contact Information

Campus Address
Hemlock Suites, South Wing
(570) 422-3460
(570) 422-3952 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Special Assistant to VP of CLIE
Curtis Dugar
(570) 422-3732