Residence hall guests and visitors must comply with established sign-in procedures. All East Stroudsburg University community members and visitors are expected to abide by the University’s policies and procedures.

Each person entering the residence halls should use their ID card or Visitor Pass when entering buildings with front desks.

To ensure speed of entry and to avoid backlog, each person should have their ID card (eCard) or Visitor Pass ready to show the Operations Assistant at the front desk.

The security of our building is a shared responsibility of all community members. Therefore, disabling or propping open of secured doors, community members’ improper use of their ID cards and/or keys, allowing unauthorized persons into one of our buildings or the purposeful attempt to circumvent this policy are all acts in direct violation of East Stroudsburg University’s Student Code of Conduct.

Visitors must be checked in by the Operations Assistant and be accompanied by their host when moving about in the residence hall while they are visiting. The Host must present their current ID card when signing in their Visitor and the Visitor must present an acceptable form of identification.

These include:

  • validated college ID
  • valid driver’s license
  • valid ID with name and picture or name and address of visitor.

The Host must accompany their Visitor at all times in the residence hall while they are visiting.

No visitors, regardless of age, may bring alcohol and/or other drugs into a residence hall.

Contact Us

The Residential Life & Housing department is our central office. We are open normal business hours in Hemlock Suites, but in case of an emergency, please contact University Police at (570) 422-3064.

Hours of Operation

8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed for federal holidays

Contact Information

Campus Address
Hemlock Suites, South Wing
(570) 422-3460
(570) 422-3952 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Special Assistant to VP of CLIE
Curtis Dugar
(570) 422-3732