Graduate Assistantship
Graduate assistantships are a resource of the university and, as such, are intended to help fulfill the mission of the university. Specifically, graduate assistantships are intended to improve the quality and scope of the graduate program. This is to be achieved by using them to attract high quality students to East Stroudsburg University's graduate programs and to increase the number of opportunities for students to obtain graduate education.
To create a profile, search for GA openings and apply for an available Graduate Assistantships.
There are four types of graduate assistantships:
- Academic
- Administrative
- Residence Life
- Frederick Douglass Scholar Institute
All graduate assistantships are based upon merit and not financial need.
- Academic graduate assistantships are available for most graduate degree programs. Each graduate degree program selects a number of highly qualified students in the degree program for these graduate assistantships and the students work with various faculty members in the department. Students interested in an academic graduate assistantship should contact the graduate coordinator of the degree program.
- Administrative graduate assistantships are awarded to qualified students and the student works in various non-academic departments such as Advancement, Enrollment Services, University Police, etc. Students interested in administrative graduate assistantships should contact the Graduate College. Administrative graduate assistantships are open to qualified students from any degree program.
- Resident Hall graduate assistantships require the student to live in one of the on-campus resident halls and provide services as needed by Campus Life and Inclusive Excellence in the management of the residence halls. Resident Hall graduate assistantships require that the student is available weekends and evenings. In addition to the monetary compensation and waiver of basic tuition provided to all graduate assistants, Resident Hall graduate assistantships provide housing. Resident Hall graduate assistantships require that the student is available two weeks before the start of classes for training/orientation and one week after the end of the semester. For information on Residence Hall Graduate Assistantships, call (570) 422-3138.
- Frederick Douglass Institute Scholar graduate assistantships are awarded to persons from underrepresented groups who demonstrate potential for leadership and the ability to promote unity in a civil society. Applicants for Frederick Douglass Institute Scholar graduate assistantships should have a demonstrated record of leadership, social involvement and commitment to education. Frederick Douglass Institute Scholars will be placed with various administrators and academic departments and provided the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills during their tenure at ESU.
Graduate assistantships provide monetary compensation for full-time graduate students ranging from $2,502 (part-time GA appointment) to $5,004 (full-time GA appointment) for the academic year, plus a partial waiver of basic tuition (in-state rates) for part-time graduate assistants and a full waiver of basic tuition (in-state rates) for full-time graduate assistants. New graduate assistantships are awarded only in the fall and spring term except for certain academic programs. Graduate assistantships may be renewed with the recommendation of the awarding department and approval of the Graduate Dean for a maximum of four terms. Graduate assistantships may be renewed during the summer term but this term counts toward the maximum of four terms.
Graduate assistants must maintain enrollment in 9 graduate credit hours, a minimum QPA of 3.0 and no more than one grade less than a B. If the graduate assistant does not fulfill these conditions, the student should contact the Graduate College immediately. Failure to notify the Graduate College or failure of the Graduate College to notify the graduate assistant that they are not in compliance does not limit the Graduate College from modifying or terminating the student's graduate assistantship. If a student does not maintain full-time student enrollment status (9 credit hours), the student's graduate assistantship will be terminated effective the date that the student dropped below 9 credit hours. The student will be sent a bill for prorated tuition.
Additional Information
Contact the Graduate College for additional information.
Zimbar-Liljenstein 154
(570) 422-3536
(570) 422-3711 (Fax)
(866) 837-6130 (Toll-free)
Graduate Admissions Coordinator
Kevin Quintero
(570) 422-3536
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Koehler Fieldhouse 1st Floor
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3231
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3616 (Fax) (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Coordinator Advanced Clinical Practice
- Name
- Gerard Rozea
- E:
- grozea@esu.edu