LuAnn Batson-Magnuson, Ph.D, CCC-SLP
Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders, Graduate Coordinator, Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist

B.S. 1982, East Stroudsburg State College
M.S. 1987, Bloomsburg University
Ph.D., 2010, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

(570) 422-3311
Campus Address
Monroe Hall 231

Dr. Batson-Magnuson teaches adult neurogenic courses on topics including aphasia, cognitive communicative disorders, and dysphagia. Her research includes the language and cognitive-linguistic correlates in patients with rheumatic disease, service-learning, the interaction of oral language and print literacy and test validity.

Susan Dillmuth-Miller, Au.D., CCC-A, FAAA
Associate Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders, Licensed Clinical Audiologist

B.S., 1991. Bloomsburg University
M.A., 1993, University of Cincinnati
Au.D., 2008, Salus University

(570) 422-3684
Campus Address
Monroe Hall 232

Dr. Dillmuth-Miller is the clinical audiologist in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department. She provides hearing evaluations, counseling for Assistive devices, and auditory processing evaluations to students, staff, and the community. She teaches Introduction to Audiology, Assistive Technology, Clinical Audiology, Auditory-Based Communication Disorders, Introduction to Sign Language, and Advanced Sign Language.

Rachel Wolf, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders, Department Chair, Graduate Externship Coordinator, Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist

B.A., 1995, University of Vermont
M.S., 1997, Northeastern University
Ph.D., 2009, New York University

(570) 422-3929
Campus Address
Monroe Hall 230

Rachel Wolf, Ph.D. CCC-SLP is department Chair and professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at East Stroudsburg University. She completed her New York University in 2009. Her published research examines pragmatic repetition in normal and disordered verbal discourse. Current research has focused on the impact of disorder, specifically ASD, and variations in sociolinguistic characteristics on pragmatics and discourse. Additional research on test validity across populations is being conducted.

Katherine Lazzarra, M.S., CCC-SLP
Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders, Clinic Director, Licensed Speech-language Pathologist

B.S., 1986, Jersey City State College
M.S., 2004, East Stroudsburg University

(570) 422-3811
Campus Address
Monroe Hall
Akila Rajappa
Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist

B.Sc., 1997, Mysore University
M.A., 1999, Annamalai University
M.Sc., 2001, Bangalore University
Ph.D., 2018, Columbia University

(570) 422-3682
Campus Address
Monroe Hall 222

Akila T. Rajappa, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S is an Associate Professor at Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders (CSD) program at College of Health Sciences, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania.

Contact Us

For more information about our programs, please contact our office at (570) 422-3247.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Monroe Hall
(570) 422-3247
(570) 422-3850 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Department Chair
Rachel Wolf
(570) 422-3929