Degree Requirements
- Academic coursework (prerequisite courses may be necessary for those without an undergraduate speech
pathology degree)
- Required courses: (a minimum of 59 hours)
- SPPA 521 Augmentative/Alternative Communication (2 credits)
- SPPA 534 Clinical Audiology (2 credits)
- SPPA 535 Auditory-Based Communication Disorders (3 credits)
- SPPA 541 Speech Sound Disorders (3 credits)
- SPPA 542 Language Disorders in Children (3 credits)
- SPPA 543 Language Disorders in Adults (2 credits)
- SPPA 544 Fluency Disorders (2 credits)
- SPPA 546 Voice Disorders (3 credits)
- SPPA 545 Acquired Cognitive Communication Disorders (2 credits)
- SPPA 550 Advanced Clinical Practicum (2 credits) (Must be taken at least 3 times for a total of 6 credits)
- SPPA 560 Diagnostic Procedures in Speech-Language Pathology (3 credits)
- SPPA 562 Dysphagia (3 credits)
- SPPA 564 Pediatric Dysphagia (2 credits)
- SPPA 569 Motor Speech Disorders (2 credits)
- SPPA 580 Pre-School Language Skills as Precursor to Literacy (2 credits)
- SPPA 581 Communication Skills Related to Autism Spectrum Disorders (2 credits)
- SPPA 574 Orofacial Anomalies (2 credits)
- SPPA 582 Management of School Programs in Speech-Language Pathology (2 credits)
- SPPA 583 Caseload Management in Medical Speech-Language Pathology (2 credits)
- SPPA 584 Research Methods and Materials in Speech-Language Pathology (2 credits)
- SPPA 586 Advanced Clinical Externship (3 credits) (adult placement)
- SPPA 586 Advanced Clinical Externship (6 credits) (child placement-- teacher certification)
- Elective Courses:
- SPPA 500 Special Topics (1 - 3 credits)
- SPPA 572 Thesis (3 credits)
- SPPA 577 Independent Study (1 - 3 credits)
- Clinical Practicum and Externship
- Clinical Practicum at ESU Speech and Hearing Center: Students will be enrolled in SPPA 550, Advanced Clinical Practicum, (in the ESU Speech and Hearing Center) for three semesters, typically during their second through fourth semesters includes a summer). Student clinicians work with clinical supervisors to set a schedule for management of clients in the clinic. Clinical education is individualized to the needs of the student clinicians.
- Clinical Externship (off campus): All students will complete two full time semester of SPPA 586, Advanced Clinical Externship, at two different off-campus sites, typically in the last semesters of enrollment. A variety of clinical externship sites are available off-campus; these are arranged by the departmental externship coordinator. Students may suggest off campus externship sites at which they would like to work, but all practicum sites must be arranged and administered through the department.
Each student will be required to meet the clinical education requirements for the ASHA CCC-SLP.
The ASHA CCC-SLP clinical education requirements may be met through a combination of undergraduate and clinical practicum work. Students who wish to receive credit for undergraduate clinical practicum must provide the graduate coordinator with adequate documentation of the undergraduate practicum work. Students must complete 25 hours of clinical observations, and 375 hours of clinical management practicum. At least 325 of the minimum 375 clinical practicum hours must be acquired at the graduate level (while a graduate student in the program).
- Portfolio
Students are required to prepare a portfolio of learning outcomes for faculty review during their last semester of enrollment.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Monroe Hall
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3247
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3850 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Department Chair
- Name
- Rachel Wolf
- E:
- rewolf@esu.edu
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3929