The mission of the M.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders at East Stroudsburg University is to provide an academic and clinical education program which

  1. Prepares graduates to earn the ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology, and
  2. Serves as a clinical and professional resource to the surrounding community.

The Graduate Program's objectives are:

  1. The program will ensure that all students meet the academic and clinical education requirements for the ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology.
  2. Academic content of all courses and other learning experiences will reflect the most current, state-of-the-art information.
  3. Course offerings will be sufficient to allow students to develop competence in all relevant areas of practice in speech-language pathology.
  4. The program will ensure that each student has the opportunity to explore special interest areas within the field.
  5. The program will ensure that each student develops the necessary skills for continuing education in the field through formal or informal methods.

The Graduate Program's 2021-2026 Strategic Plan

Strategic Theme 1: to increase graduate student exposure to and experience with varied client types

  1. Initiative: increase digital promotion of the clinic specifically with discharge planner, rehab coordinators.
  2. Initiative: to increase number of simulated activities used within course work that meet CAA standards for simulation
  3. Initiative: to explore initiation of additional support groups to increase counseling skill development in SLP (possible options including dysphagia, child parental support, transgender voice)
  4. Initiative: to seek a grant to hire a person to supervise more clinical off-campus sites to decrease burden on faculty so they can focus on research, teaching and scholarship
  5. Initiative: to explore options for a pediatric field experience
  6. Initiative: to develop a swallowing assessment and treatment lab

Strategic Theme 2: to expand students professional writing skills

  1. Initiative: Provide standardized templates for the clinic so students can focus on providing rationale for goal
  2. Initiative: to expand report writing to include written rationale for goals and functional application

Strategic Theme 3: to increase acceptance level of high-quality applicants in the graduate program

  1. Initiative: to explore program delivery options supportive of a strong graduate cohort from UG to Grad
    1. to determine retention rate of students in 4-2, 3-2, and 5 year programs
    2. to assess website clarity on options
  2. Initiative: to determine viability of double dipping grad and UG courses to shorten overall length of program to completion
  3. Initiative: to explore extra certification/training options that can be completed during grad school

Strategic Theme 4: to expand interprofessional experiences

  1. Initiative: To develop consultation and assessment protocol to increase interprofessional collaboration with audiologist
  1. Initiative: To expand on and provide more interprofessional collaboration between SLPs and SPED students within the CILLS group
  1. Initiative: To expand teacher and SLP collaboration during/after screenings
  1. Initiative: To explore use of grand rounds with other departments on specific cases ie: exercise physiology, athletic training
  1. Initiative: To explore interdepartmental simulations Nursing trach/vent training, Anatomage activities

Strategic Theme 5: to increase clinical placement options that best meet student training needs

  1. Initiative: to explore collaboration with other clinical programs to ensure clinical placement options
  2. Initiative: to explore providing incentives for clinical supervisors and facilities to increase willingness to take externs including use of clinical fees
  3. Initiative: to explore implementation increased on-campus opportunities for placements

Contact Us

For more information about our programs, please contact our office at (570) 422-3247.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Monroe Hall
(570) 422-3247
(570) 422-3850 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Graduate Coordinator Speech-Language Pathology
LuAnn Batson-Magnuson
(570) 422-3311