Speech & Hearing Center
Welcome to the ESU Speech & Hearing Center at Monroe Hall.
The ESU Speech & Hearing Center has been offering speech-language and hearing services for over 50 years.
- Anyone interested in seeking speech, language, swallowing or hearing therapy services, including evaluations, intervention and audiological services should contact the department at (570) 422-3247.
- Graduate students gain hands-on experience with individuals who exhibit various types of communication disorders
- Individual Therapies and Evaluations include: aphasia (stroke and traumatic brain injury), autism spectrum disorders, augmentative alternative communication, auditory processing disorders, dysphagia (swallowing disorders), hearing loss, intellectual disorders (speech & language), language disorders & differences, motor speech disorders, speech sound disorders, stuttering, and voice (including transgender voice)
- We also provide group support for: aphasia, hearing support for college students, pragmatic/autism social groups, Parkinson's Disease
- The Center features all of the equipment and accommodations essential to a quality educational program in communication sciences and disorders
- The clinic serves people of all ages, infancy through adult, from the surrounding Pocono area, the Lehigh Valley and New Jersey as well as students and faculty/staff from ESU who are in need of rehabilitation/habilitation services
- Monroe Hall has a state-of-the-art observation room for parents/guardians and spouses to observe loved ones in therapy.
- The therapy rooms are spacious, private and have increased in number. We now have 12 therapy areas and all the necessary materials and resources for conducting therapy
- The departmental secretary will send anyone interested the appropriate paperwork for the clinic.
Professor Kathee Lazzara is the interim clinic director and assigns graduate students to complete the evaluations and therapy
Dr. Dillmuth-Miller is available for hearing assessments
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Monroe Hall
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3247
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3850 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Department Chair
- Name
- Rachel Wolf
- E:
- rewolf@esu.edu
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3929