This page addresses payroll information for all employees and students at East Stroudsburg University includes Payroll Forms, Fiori Self-Service, Tax Information, Employment Requirements, and Payroll FAQs.

Fiori Self-Service (Fiori SS)

Fiori Self-Service is the online portal to access benefits, leave & time, payroll, and personal information.

Log In Instructions

  • Go to the Fiori Self-Service Portal
  • Choose the proper University designation from the drop down
    • East Stroudsburg Univ - MFA for Employees login
    • ESU Students - MFA for Student login
  • Enter your ESU employee or Student login name
  • Enter your ESU password (password you use to log into a computer/email)
  • Any issues logging into the portal can be directed to the ESU Help Desk at (570) 422-3789


  • Personal Information: Display your personal data, addresses, and bank information. Here you can also manage your ethnicity information.
  • Benefits: Display your benefits participation information and access the online benefits enrollment system.
  • Leave & Time: Within this section of the Fiori Self-Service you may view your leave balances and a complete record of all absences you have submitted to date. If you have been given access to the Employee Leave Request system, you may access it here as well.
  • Payroll: Access online copies of your printed pay statements, manage your W-4 withholding, view/change your W-2 election, and view your online W-2 form, if you have elected to receive online.

Fiori Self-Service (Fiori SS)

Fiori Self-Service is the online portal to access benefits, leave & time, payroll, and personal information.

Log In Instructions

  • Go to the Fiori Self-Service Portal
  • Choose the proper University designation from the drop down
    • East Stroudsburg Univ - MFA for Employees login
    • ESU Students - MFA for Student login
  • Enter your ESU employee or Student login name
  • Enter your ESU password (password you use to log into a computer/email)
  • Any issues logging into the portal can be directed to the ESU Help Desk at (570) 422-3789


  • Personal Information: Display your personal data, addresses, and bank information. Here you can also manage your ethnicity information.
  • Benefits: Display your benefits participation information and access the online benefits enrollment system.
  • Leave & Time: Within this section of the Fiori Self-Service you may view your leave balances and a complete record of all absences you have submitted to date. If you have been given access to the Employee Leave Request system, you may access it here as well.
  • Payroll: Access online copies of your printed pay statements, manage your W-4 withholding, view/change your W-2 election, and view your online W-2 form, if you have elected to receive online.

Tax Information

To conduct a checkup of federal tax deductions, you can use the IRS’s Tax Withholding Estimator. To effectively use the estimator, it is helpful to have a copy of your most recent pay stub and tax return.

Online W-2 Form

For all State System employees who elected to receive their W-2 form online in Fiori SS, the form is available to view, print and/or save. Just click on the “Payroll” tab, then “Display W-2 form”.

*Please note that the system will request your social security number in order to authenticate the access.


To conduct a checkup of federal tax deductions, you can use the IRS’s Tax Withholding Estimator. To effectively use the estimator, it is helpful to have a copy of your most recent pay stub and tax return.

Online W-2 Form

For all State System employees who elected to receive their W-2 form online in Fiori SS, the form is available to view, print and/or save. Just click on the “Payroll” tab, then “Display W-2 form”.

*Please note that the system will request your social security number in order to authenticate the access.


Payroll FAQs

When can I access my pay statement?
You can view your online pay stub through the Fiori SS portal by clicking on payroll, then online pay statement. Online pay statement can be viewed by the Monday before the pay date.
Why am I not able to view my online pay statement?
If you have dual employment assignments on campus, you may only be able to view one of your jobs on Fiori SS when your accounts are created. Please contact to begin the process of adding access to your second Fiori SS account.
How can I change my address?
Please email us at for the document.
How can I access my W-2?
If you requested to receive your W-2 online you can log into the Fiori Self-Service portal (Fiori SS) and find a copy by navigating to the Fiori Self-Service tab and selecting the “Payroll” option then click on the “Display W-2 form”. If you did not elect to receive an electronic copy and you did not receive a paper copy by mail, please email for assistance.
Do I have to produce my original social security card for employment with ESU?
An original Social Security Card is requested for I-9 purposes and for Payroll purposes. If you do not have an original Social Security Card, you may provide an original birth certificate or original Passport to satisfy the I-9, and then provide a copy of the social security card for payroll verification.
How do I record my worked hours if I am an hourly employee?
Log into the Fiori SS portal, click on leave & time, and follow directions. Once you record time, the hours will be sent to your supervisor for approval.

Contact Us

If your payroll question is not answered above, please contact

Contact Information

Campus Address
Reibman Administration Building
(570) 422-3422
(570) 422-3450 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Director, Human Resources
Yvonne Catino
(570) 422-3422