Fire Regulations
Commonwealth Law requires that fire drills be held regularly in University residence halls. Your assistance and cooperation is appreciated when drills are held. Every student must evacuate the building during the drill. Residents refusing to cooperate with the fire evacuation regulations are subject to disciplinary action and/or removal from University housing.
When the Fire Alarm Sounds
- Close your windows.
- Dress appropriately for weather conditions as you may be outside for an extended period of time. Always wear shoes and take a towel or blanket to wrap around yourself should it be necessary to pass through flames or smoke.
- Do not open your room door if it is hot to the touch. If it is hot, chances are the heat in the hallway will be so great that you would suffocate. In this case, you should insulate the door with towels or blankets to make it airtight, open the window and wait for a net or ladder.
- At night, turn on the room light so a quick check can be made from outside the building to see that all occupants are awake and the rooms are cleared.
- Leave the door to your room closed. Your Resident Advisor will make a quick check of every room.
- Leave by the nearest exit. If flames or smoke are in the nearest exit, proceed to the nearest alternate exit.
- Do not run or panic!
- Move back at least 100 feet from the area surrounding the building.
- Do not return to the building until you have been instructed to do so.
Safety Equipment
Fire safety equipment is essential in case of an emergency; therefore, any tampering with fire hoses, fire extinguishes, smoke and heat detectors, sprinkler systems, or fire alarms is strictly forbidden. Violation of this rule may lead to dismissal from the University, severe fines and prosecution under appropriate criminal laws. Setting fires and using explosive devices are also expressly prohibited. Residents should be especially careful that cigarette butts and hot ashes are not placed in wastebaskets. Several fires have occurred in the past as a result of such carelessness. A fire can be serious - don't gamble with your safety.
Instructions if you Discover a Fire
- Set off the nearest fire alarm. This will alert residents to evacuate the building.
- Call the University Police Office - tel. #3064 and report the location of the fire.
- Notify the nearest residence hall staff member who will take charge of the situation until the arrival of the police officers and/or Fire Department.
Safety Tips on Campus
- Keep your room locked at all times when away from the room. If you live on the ground floor, keep your windows locked.
- Walk or study with friends. Avoid working, studying, or being alone in buildings, residence halls, or on the campus grounds.
- Report all suspicious activity to the University police at ext. #3064.
- Don't shower in a deserted locker room. In residence halls, shower when people are around.
- Don't study alone in deserted areas of the library or other isolated places.
- Don't work in empty buildings alone, especially at night.
- Don't leave valuables displayed in your room.
- Don't prop open outside doors.
- Don't admit any unescorted persons into the residence halls. Don't allow strangers into your room.
- Know where the emergency phones are located.
- Call the Student Escort Service--Dial extension 3064 (from a campus phone) or (570) 422-3064 (from a cell phone) during night time hours for a safety escort anywhere on campus.
Policy for Medical Waste Disposal for Residence Halls
Environmental laws, attitudes, and risk assessment now require ESU to be responsible and accountable for disposing medical waste. The Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act requires ESU to track medical waste including that of on-campus students using insulin syringes and needles, hereafter referred to as "sharps." The University has implemented a procedure for the safe handling and disposal of "sharps."
The Health Center will provide rigid, impermeable, closed containers to all residence hall students who self-administer insulin. This will insure the safe handling and disposal of their "sharps." These containers, provided to the students at no cost, will be replaced on a regularly scheduled basis and will be monitored by the Health Center.
The used containers are to be returned to the Health Center where new containers will be dispensed. Complete instructions for their use and disposal will be given to each student whose medical condition necessitates the use of "sharps." The Health Center staff is available to offer any assistance needed by these students.
Safety Data Sheets
The Safety Data sheet (SDS) is a detailed information document designed to provide both workers and emergency personnel with the proper procedures for handling or working with chemical substances. The SDS provides information such as physical and chemical data (melting point, boiling point, flash point, reactivity etc.), toxicity, health effects, emergency and first aid procedures, storage, disposal, protective equipment, routes of exposure, control measures, precautions for safe handling and use, and spill/leak procedures. Information on the SDS aids in the selection of safe products. The SDS is of major importance if a spill or other accident occurs.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Hemlock Suites Smith Street, Ground Floor
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3064
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3677 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Interim Chief of Police & Director of Campus Safety
- Name
- Ralph Elick
- E:
- relick@esu.edu