Treasurer's Responsibilities
As Treasurer of a club/organization, you are responsible for managing your club’s finances. This includes adhering to your budget while following SAA policies, tracking all expenditures, tracking any income your club may have, and preparing the budget request for the following year. This may sound like a lot to handle, but learning financial responsibility is a very valuable life skill! Don’t worry, our staff offers treasurer trainings during the Fall and Spring, and is available daily to help you every step of the way. The Business Office is open M-F from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Budget Request Process

The budget request submission process usually begins in early December. This is the request for the following academic year’s budget. The Student Government Association (SGA) Finance Chair will offer two Budget Request workshops. It is important that at least one club officer (preferably the treasurer) attend. The process is explained in detail, followed by a question and answer session.

The budget request should be discussed amongst the officers beforehand so it reflects a plan of next year’s aspirations. Documentation is key. You must provide documentation for everything you request funds for, which may include: a receipt, a quote, shopping cart print out, maps mileage print out, etc. Simply put, provide proof of the cost of everything you are asking for.

Budget Requests are usually due in late January. Penalties are applied for late submissions, so be sure to submit on time!

Each club will schedule a time for its representatives to meet with the SGA Finance Committee. This gives the committee the chance to ask any questions they may have concerning the budget submission, discuss any concerns, and answer any questions the club may have. After this meeting, the committee carefully reviews each request and determines an allocation of funds based on the club’s submission request and documentation, policies and guidelines, club’s history of spending, and the total amount of funds available for allocation. The total budget allocation must be approved by the SGA as well as the SAA Board of Directors before any information is released. Once approved, budgets will be uploaded to your club’s WarriorLink page.

Club Tee Shirts

Organizations may be funded a maximum of $5.00 per active member (on WarriorLink) for the purpose of purchasing shirts to be used to represent and promote your club/organization. Current funding limit is 50 members.

Club shirts are funded through the budget request process, which is due at the beginning of Spring semester.

Club/Organization Handbook
Here you will find all of SAA’s and SGA’s policies and procedures about Club and Organization finances.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact Kimberly HIll, Assistant Director of Business Services (570) 422-2974.

Contact Information

Campus Address
University Center
(570) 422-3291
Title of Department Leader
Executive Director, Student Activity Association, Inc.
Joe Akob