Academic Standing
Academic Standing
Statement and Purpose
Students are required to maintain a level of academic achievement consistent with institutional standards and to make satisfactory progress toward the completion of their undergraduate academic program. The purpose of this document is to define the standards for good academic standing and to outline the criteria that will determine the following academic jeopardy statuses - academic warning, academic probation, and academic dismissal.
The proposed changes to the University’s Undergraduate Academic Standing eliminate the academic suspension status. Students currently holding the academic suspension status will be “grandfathered” in that status for a period of one academic year while they work on raising their GPA to good academic standing standards.
Academic Standing is indicated on a student’s academic transcript.
Academic Standing Definitions
Good Academic Standing - An undergraduate at East Stroudsburg University must achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.000 to maintain good academic standing. student whose CGPA falls below a 2.000 will receive notification from the University Registrar indicating their academic jeopardy status along with the conditions and suggestions to resolve their academic standing.
Dean's List - Students at ESU are eligible for the Dean's List at the end of each semester if they are pursuing a degree and have earned at least 12 credits with a term GPA of at least 3.500. At the end of each semester, the Dean's List is made public.
Academic Warning - An undergraduate who fails to achieve and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.000 will be placed on academic warning and have a credit restriction to take no more than 15 credits during the warning semester or will not be allowed to register for an internship. Students on academic warning are encouraged to begin working with their academic advisers on an academic recovery plan to get back into good academic standing. Financial aid, including scholarships and grant-in-aid eligibility may not be awarded contingent on the university’s Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress policy and procedures.
Academic Probation - An undergraduate on academic warning who does not raise their cumulative grade point average (CGPA) to 2.000 at the end of their one warning semester will be placed on academic probation. While on academic probation, the student is required to work with their academic adviser and should be assigned an academic recovery plan to support their efforts in getting back to good academic standing.
If the student demonstrates significant progress which is defined by achieving a term GPA (TGPA) of at least 2.200 when the cumulative GPA (CPGA) is not quite 2.000, the student will be given an additional semester of academic probation.
If the student fails to work with their academic adviser and have not demonstrated significant progress with a TGPA of at least 2.200 or has not achieved a CGPA of at least 2.000 by the end of the initial probationary semester, the student will be academically dismissed from the university.
During probationary semesters, students will have a credit restriction to take no more than 15 credits. Furthermore, students on academic probation are not eligible to compete or practice in intercollegiate athletics and cannot register for internships. Financial aid, including scholarships and grant-in-aid eligibility may not be awarded contingent on the university’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy and procedures.
Academic Dismissal - An undergraduate who fails to meet the requirements outlined for the academic probationary semester(s) will be dismissed from the university. Academically dismissed students may appeal to the Academic Standing Appeals Committee for reinstatement to continue their studies at ESU provided they fulfill stipulated conditions as determined by the Academic Standing Appeals Committee.
Appeal Process
Undergraduates who have been academically dismissed may appeal to the Academic Standing Appeals Committee (ASAC) in order to be reinstated into the university. To appeal the dismissal, a formal letter is submitted to the attention of ASAC. This letter must include an explanation detailing why the student was unsuccessful in their previous academic experiences with supporting documentation (if applicable) and why the student feels that future academic endeavors will be successful. The committee will review the letter, the student’s academic record, and may conduct a personal interview with the student. After a review of the documents submitted, the committee may uphold the dismissal or approve a reinstatement under stipulated conditions as determined by the ASAC.
If a student is granted an appeal, the student will be reinstated for the upcoming semester under the following conditions:
- The student will be placed on academic probation for the first reinstated semester.
- The student will work with their adviser on academic recovery efforts which may include participation in a university program designed to support such efforts.
- The student must demonstrate academic progress by earning at least a term GPA of 2.200 at the end of the subsequent semester enrolled in order to uphold their reinstatement and to continue working on the conditions of their new academic probationary status.
- The student who has been reinstated is not eligible to submit another appeal if the student falls under academic dismissal during any subsequent term.
If a student’s appeal is denied, the academic dismissal will be upheld. Undergraduates who choose not to appeal or who decide to later request readmission may be eligible to return to the university under the Academic Forgiveness process if they have been separated for a period of no less than three years. In other cases, a previous academically dismissed undergraduate may be considered for transfer back to the institution if the student meets the admission requirements to be categorized as a transfer student.
Academic Forgiveness
Academic Forgiveness establishes an effective way to encourage capable, mature students to return to ESU after they have achieved poor grades during an earlier attempt at pursuing a degree at ESU. It applies to all undergraduate readmitted students who have not taken any coursework at ESU within the last three calendar years prior to the readmission semester. Forgiveness is only available for courses taken at ESU where grades of below a C were earned. Academic Forgiveness may impact a student's state and federal financial aid eligibility. Students must obtain the Academic Forgiveness form in the Admission office. The completed form is returned for review to the Registrar in the Student Enrollment Center. This policy is in effect for fall 2013 and can be used by incoming readmitted students only.
Transfer Credit Evaluation
Students may choose to take a course at another college or university while pursuing a degree at ESU. Transfer credits will be considered for equivalent courses completed where the student earned a minimum grade of C. Students are required to send an official transcript of coursework completed at another institution to ESU.
Information on the Pennsylvania Articulation Center (PA TRAC) and the Transfer Credit Appeal Process can be found in the Admissions section of the catalog or online at Transfer to ESU Webpage.
Please see the Graduation Residency Requirement for information that may affect the maximum transferrable credits and completion of your ESU degree program.
Continuing Students Transferring Credits Back to East Stroudsburg University
Current East Stroudsburg University students who desire to transfer courses from another college or university back to ESU must secure the approval of their academic adviser, or the department chairperson where the external credits would transfer, prior to registering at the other college/university. This is done to insure that the course will replace a course requirement within the degree program. Approvals must be submitted to the Student Enrollment Center. Transfer credit is only granted if a grade of at least "C" is earned and on receipt of an official transcript from the other college/university. Students can utilize the Course Equivalencies database online at Transfer to ESU Webpage.
Advanced Placement
East Stroudsburg University permits students to earn credit toward the baccalaureate degree by successful completion of the Advanced Placement Examination. Students currently enrolled in high school should contact their guidance counselor about the AP Exam. A grade of "3"or higher on any of these examinations will be counted for three semester hours by East Stroudsburg University. Please refer to the Transfer to ESU Webpage for more information about getting credit for courses through AP testing.
College-Level Examination Program
The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) of the College Board enables students to earn college credit by examination. The General Examinations of CLEP (English Composition, Humanities, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences-History) may be taken to apply toward the General Education pattern of courses at East Stroudsburg University. Such examinations must be passed at the 50th percentile.
The following limit shall be applied to the number of credits which may be earned in General Examinations:
Examination | Credits |
English Composition | 3 credits |
Humanities | 6 credits |
Mathematics | 3 credits |
Natural Sciences | 6 credits |
Social Sciences - History | 6 credits |
Total | 24 credits |
Subject matter examinations may also be taken under the CLEP program. These examinations must also be passed at the 50th percentile. Students shall not be given credit for both General and Subject examinations in the same areas. Normally CLEP examinations may not be counted toward the student’s major field of study. Interested students should contact the Articulation and Transfer staff in the Student Enrollment Center. Official CLEP results should be forwarded to the Student Enrollment Center, Attn: Articulation and Transfer for consideration.
State System Visiting Student Program
The purpose of this policy is to facilitate undergraduate student enrollment at institutions of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education to take advantage of courses available across the system, without loss of institutional residency, eligibility for honors or athletics, or credits toward graduation at the home institution. Grades earned under the Visiting Student Program will be accepted in full by East Stroudsburg University, and will be included in the calculation of credits earned, GPA, and residency requirements.
The following requirements and conditions apply to participants in the Visiting Students Program:
- The student must be matriculated at the home university with a minimum of 12 college-level credits and be in good academic standing.
- Students may take a maximum of 24 credits via the Visiting Student Policy.
- The student who presents evidence of good standing at the home university will be allowed to register for courses at other State System universities. The visiting student priority level for registration will be determined by each university.
- All credits and grades accrued at other State System universities shall be accepted
in full by the home university and thereafter treated as home university credits,
residency, and grades.
- It is the responsibility of the student to work with the student's adviser at the home institution regarding applicability of credits towards graduation requirements at the home institution consistent with State System procedures.
- It is the responsibility of the student to complete the Visiting Student Notification Form and submit to the home institution prior to enrolling in courses at another State System institution.
- Students cannot use the Visiting Student Program to repeat courses.
- Students cannot use the Visiting Student Program for internship or practicum that are required for licensure or certification without the express written permission of their appropriate university officials at the home university and placement availability at the requested institution.
- The student shall register at, and pay tuition and fees to, the state system university visited. A student wishing to divide a course load between two institutions during the same term shall register and pay appropriate tuition and fees at both universities.
State System Distance Education Course Application Process: Students wishing to take advantage of State System Distance Education Course Sharing need to complete the Distance Education Application with their home institution.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Zimbar-Liljenstein Hall
- Phone:
- (570) 422-2800
- Fax:
- (570) 422-2849 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Registrar
- Name
- Geryl Kinsel
- E:
- registrar@esu.edu