FERPA: Training
Training For Employees That Have Access To Student Records
School officials have access to students education records where there is a legitimate educational interest on the part of the school official.
A school official is:
- A person employed by the institution in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or other support-staff position. For example, department secretaries.
- A person serving on an institutional governing body. For example, Council of Trustees.
- A person employed by, or under contract to, the institution to perform a special task. For example, an attorney, or auditor.
Please note that school official's access to educational records is for the sole purpose of performing his/her job professionally and responsibly. School officials have a responsibility to protect the confidentiality of education records in their possession, regardless of the medium in which the records are presented and only access such records under the context of official university business (not curiosity).
Education records are considered confidential and may not be released without the written consent of the student, with the exception of directory information or in limited circumstances permitted by law. It is the school official's responsibility to verify that student directory information is not restricted before releasing it. This information appears with the “Confidential” tag above the student’s name when you access the student record on the student information system.
School officials must protect the privacy of education records and not disclose personally identifiable information about a student or permit inspection of the student's records without his or her written consent. You may modify the Permission to Release Education Records form for use in your department.
Official transcripts of student academic records may be released only through the Student Enrollment Center.
Subpoena, request for records and court orders should be directed to the Student Enrollment Center.
Posting education records (e.g. grades) using the student's name, student ID number or any portion of the social security number violates FERPA and university policy.
Any questions regarding FERPA guidelines should be directed to ferpa@esu.edu
All employees who have access to student records, or who are requesting access to the myESU portal or to Banner are required to have training in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended (FERPA). FERPA training is completed through Get Inclusive. To be set up for training please contact ferpa@esu.edu. If you are a new employee or have previously not used the online FERPA Training Module and find that you are not already enrolled in the training course, please email ferpa@esu.edu for access. Online training document are also accessible below:
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Zimbar-Liljenstein Hall
- Phone:
- (570) 422-2800
- Fax:
- (570) 422-2849 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Registrar
- Name
- Geryl Kinsel
- E:
- registrar@esu.edu