The OSPR assists ESU’s research community with conducting, administering, and facilitating research in compliance with federal and university policies and procedures.

The OSPR works closely with ESU's Office of Academic Affairs in overseeing all academic components of grant-funded programs including maintaining and administering institutional policies pertaining to intellectual property, conflicts of interest, and other ethical research practices.

Ethical conduct in research not only satisfies a scientific moral code but also leads to better research results and more thoughtful collaboration among investigators. Additionally, the credibility of science with the general public depends on the maintenance of the highest ethical standards in research.

ESU has purchased a membership to the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), an online resource that provides research training on Responsible Conduct of Research that is required under NSF and NIH funding and the training on Human Subject Research that IRB’s require of any research involving human subjects, among other training.

CITI provides the training using on-line modules which include content and quizzes and produces an audit trail, verifying who has completed the training.

The subscription is active for ESU. Those who wish to complete training simply need to sign up by clicking on the Register button underneath Create an Account.

ESU employees MUST complete the training module entitled: Biomedical Research- Basic/Refresher.

If research involves the use of human subjects, please visit ESU's Institutional Review Board (IRB) and complete the application BEFORE submitting your grant proposal. For the use of live animals, visit the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) site and fill out the application.

Additional resources for ethical research standards include the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Research Integrity (ORI) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants policy.

Any questions, contact: Sandy Pena,, (570) 422-3539

The OSPR works closely with ESU's Office of Academic Affairs in overseeing all academic components of grant-funded programs including maintaining and administering institutional policies pertaining to intellectual property, conflicts of interest, and other ethical research practices.

Ethical conduct in research not only satisfies a scientific moral code but also leads to better research results and more thoughtful collaboration among investigators. Additionally, the credibility of science with the general public depends on the maintenance of the highest ethical standards in research.

ESU has purchased a membership to the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), an online resource that provides research training on Responsible Conduct of Research that is required under NSF and NIH funding and the training on Human Subject Research that IRB’s require of any research involving human subjects, among other training.

CITI provides the training using on-line modules which include content and quizzes and produces an audit trail, verifying who has completed the training.

The subscription is active for ESU. Those who wish to complete training simply need to sign up by clicking on the Register button underneath Create an Account.

ESU employees MUST complete the training module entitled: Biomedical Research- Basic/Refresher.

If research involves the use of human subjects, please visit ESU's Institutional Review Board (IRB) and complete the application BEFORE submitting your grant proposal. For the use of live animals, visit the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) site and fill out the application.

Additional resources for ethical research standards include the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Research Integrity (ORI) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants policy.

Any questions, contact: Sandy Pena,, (570) 422-3539

Contact Us

Please contact the Office of Sponsored Projects and Research with any questions.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Reibman Administration Building
(570) 422-7920
Title of Department Leader
Director Office of Sponsored Projects and Research, Assistant to the Provost for Research