Public History Concentration
The Public History Concentration is for students who want to work in museums, national parks, historical associations, or other settings in which they interpret history for the public.
Students take the core history curriculum as well as several courses in history and other departments specifically geared to public history careers.
This concentration as two capstone experiences
- The two-semester seminar sequence, History 390 and History 495, required of all majors. In these classes students will do original historical research on a topic of their choice and write an article-length paper.
- An internship in public history, which students get on-the-job experience working in a public history setting. These internships provide hands-on training and can offer an entry point into the job market.
Program Requirements
- History Courses
At least 39 hours (11 courses plus the internship) in History, including...
- One World History survey (HIST 111 or 113)
- Two United States History surveys (HIST 141 and 143)
- One European History course
- Seminar I (HIST 390)
- Seminar II (HIST 495)
- Introduction to Public History (HIST 320)
- History of Pennsylvania (HIST 352)
- Public History Internship (HIST 486)
- Corequisites and Directed General Education Courses
- Intro to Mass Media (CMST 126) or Public Speaking (CMST 253)
- Cultural Geography (GEOG 110)
- Workplace Writing (ENGL 205)
- Principles of Management (MGT 200)
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3286
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3937 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Department Chair
- Name
- Jeffrey Hardy
- E:
- jhardy@esu.edu
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3660