Robert Wintermute, M.A., 1997

Mr. Wintermute obtained his PhD from Temple University. He is currently employed as a tenure track professor at Queen's College. He appeared on The History Detectives (A series on PBS), for a segment about the Eastern State Penitentiary

Joseph Garrera, M.A., 2005

Mr. Garrera is executive director of the Lehigh Valley Heritage Center and had served 11 years as president of the Lincoln Group of New York. He had been recently been named on the Board of Directors of the Abraham Lincoln Association. He is presently finishing a monograph on Abraham Lincoln.

Brian Young, M.A., 2005

Mr. Williams is currently enrolled in Lehigh University's PhD program.

Joshua Wolf, M.A., 2006

Mr. Wolf is ABD at Temple University, studying under military historian Gregory Urwin. After, finishing his MA at ESU, Josh served as a graduate assistant at Temple University, teaching history courses and finishing his comps with distinction. He is presenting a paper at the Society of Military Historians at VMI this spring.

William Feeney, B.A., 2006

Mr. Feeney is studying under Peter S. Carmichael at West Virginia University, where he teaches and serves as a graduate assistant. He is presently working on disabled soldiers in the 19th Century with a focus on the Civil War. A portion of his research will be presented at the Society of Civil War Historians this spring in Richmond.

Gina M. Rosseland, M.A., 2006

Mrs. Rosseland is currently teaching American Civil War at Morris County Community College, along with U.S. History surveys at Warren Community College. A portion of her master's thesis will be submitted for publication while Gina considers pursuing her doctorate.

Alysha Hoffman Meirgolovich, MA 2009

Mrs. Meirgolovich is currently at Lehigh University perusing her doctorate. Her research is on the Atlantic World with a focus on pirates.

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Please contact the History & Geography department with any questions.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Stroud Hall
(570) 422-3286
(570) 422-3937 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Department Chair
Jeffrey Hardy
(570) 422-3660