
Anthology Portfolio (AP) is the data management system for the ESU College of Education. Anthology Portfolio is a secure online platform that assesses learning through custom electronic portfolios and field experience tracking and assessment.

You will also use Anthology Portfolio to build your clearances portfolio, keep track of placement hours, and complete key assignments.

Anthology Portfolio will be used by faculty supervisors and cooperating teachers for assessments that show your development throughout the course of your program and provide evidence for CAEP Accreditation and PDE Major Review.

Use the links below to see instructions for how to use Anthology Portfolio (formerly Chalk & Wire) based on your role.


Logging into Anthology Portfolio

Completing Assessments in Anthology Portfolio

All Users

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Contact Us

For more information about the College of Education, please contact the college secretary at (570) 422-3377

Contact Information

Campus Address
Rosenkrans East 123
(570) 422-3377
(570) 422-3506 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Dean College of Education
Brooke Langan