Moving/Relocating Space Procedure
Procedure Summary
These procedures will assist in sending out different types of mailing and special services.
These procedures apply to any space being assigned to any department or individual for the first occupancy or as an alternate space.
- Upon receiving notice of space assignment from the Manager of Space/IT in Facilities Management, the affected individual or department should request a coordination meeting with the Manager of Campus Care/Structural Repair. The meeting will outline the following:
- Establish time frames for packing, move, and/or setup.
- Organize move of special electrical or furniture needs.
- Organize move of specialized equipment including copier (using contracted vendors, if necessary), computers (using the Computing Center staff), and any chemicals (in consultation with the Director of Health and Safety).
- Establish any needs for boxes and/or packing material.
- Arrive at an understanding of how long the affected department or individual may be expected to remain in transit.
- Using the iServiceDesk work order system, submit the necessary work requests for office move, computer/telecommunication move, and change in mail delivery/pickup location (applicable only in the event of a departmental move).
- Submit a work request for keys to the newly assigned space. Old keys, no longer needed, must be returned to Facilities Management. Please note that all university keys remain property of ESU and must be returned to Facilities Management when no longer needed or upon end of employment.
- Please consider informing the campus community and/or affected entities of relocation by using List Server, Postmaster, or Signs.
- Departments/individuals must not leave behind personal items, documents, files, boxes, or decorations. Arrangements must be made with Facilities Management for their disposal. Vacated spaces must be left clear of all items other than office furnishings. Please note that no office furnishing (i.e. chairs, filing cabinets, desks, etc.) may be removed from vacated spaces without express permission from the Manager of Campus Care/Structural Repair.
- When preparing for moves, care must be taken to pack in an organized manner to enable resumption of operator in the shortest time possible. Please follow these guidelines when packing items:
- Packed boxes must not exceed 50lbs.
- Personal items must be moved by individual owners.
- Any fragile item(s) requiring special care must be prepared for move taking into consideration the possibility of damage during transit. The move of such items must be discussed with the Manager of Campus Care/Structural Repair beforehand. Fragile items include but are not limited to glass encased paintings, trophies, and memorabilia.
- Each box to be moved must be clearly labeled with an identifying number and clearly state the final destination (e.g. Room 246 KFH or Trash).
- Perishable items, plants, or food items may be moved by Facilities Management staff if they are properly packed and it is understood that such items may be damaged or destroyed in transit.
- Before packing files, consider storage availability at the new assigned location and pack accordingly.
- Seriously consider discarding, shredding, and/or disposing of and unnecessary records, files, or literature.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Reibman Administration Building
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3545
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3478 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Policy Development Specialist
- Name