The draft policy listed below was reviewed by groups and individuals from throughout the campus.

A 10 business day comment period is required prior to the final draft being reviewed by the President’s Council and the Council of Trustees.

Policies will be posted and the campus community is encouraged to review these documents and provide feedback.

Comments and questions are appreciated and will be forwarded to the appropriate person(s) for review and consideration. All comments, questions, and responses to questions will be posted for 10 days for public review on the Public Comment Postings page.

There is no assurance that a policy will be modified based solely on those comments, nor will there be an individual response to each comment.

Proposed University Policies for Public Review

Contact Us

All policies have a policy owner and a responsible office connected to it. Our goal is to have clear contact information in all policies, but if it is missing or if you have general policy questions, please contact Miguel Barbosa

Contact Information

Campus Address
Reibman Administration Building
(570) 422-3545
(570) 422-3478 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Policy Development Specialist