Policy User Resources & FAQs
University-wide policies state an institutional position, describe mandates, organizational standards and boundaries, and communicate policy roles and responsibilities.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why are policies and procedures important?
Policies and procedures establish responsibilities and accountability; provide consistency; help ensure compliance and reduce institutional risk; they may be needed to establish and/or defend a legal basis for action; provide clarification and guidance to the university community; identify how transactions are processed; and, identify how financial resources are expended.
- What is the standard university policy format?
A format developed by Policy Administration defines the various optional and mandatory parts of a policy. All polices will be written using this format beginning September 2010. By standardizing the way polices are presented to the reader, the university hopes to make policies easier to read and understand.
- Can the Approval Routing Form be signed electronically?
No, the Approval Routing Form cannot be signed electronically. The form is completed by the Policy Owner either by downloading from the web page and completing it electronically, or downloading, printing, and completing it manually. Once all of the fields within the document are complete, the form is signed and forwarded to the vice president for approval.
- Who approves policies?
As a policy is standardized or developed, it goes through a review and approval process. The VP’s identify existing policies for conversion to electronic format and/or prepare new policies as needed. The policy is submitted to policy administration for review by Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education Legal, President’s Council, and the Policy Advisory Committee. New or substantially revised policies are referred to appropriate constituents for review and recommendation. Policies are then submitted to President’s Council. New or substantially revised policies are posted on the University web page for 10 business days for public opinion. Policies are submitted to the Council of Trustees for informational purposes based on the President's recommendation. The President approves all policies, which can be viewed on the University Policies website.
- What is the role of Policy Administration?
Policy Administration, with input from policy owners, will develop, oversee and maintain the University’s system wide policy-making process by facilitating the development, review, approval, and maintenance of University policies, and act as the official repository and point-of-contact regarding University- wide policies.
- How do I find a policy?
Policies that have been recently processed through Policy Administration can be found on the University Policies website.
- Entering a key word in the Policy Search Full Text
- Browse the full policies A-Z (full list)
- Web links to Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education Board of Governors Policies and Procedures. (left side bar)
- How do I know if a policy was recently updated?
The university policy website provides a list of:
- Policies Under Review
- Policy Approvals
- Latest Policy Repeals
- How often are policies reviewed?
Policies are to be reviewed, and if necessary, revised every 5 years. However they can be reviewed prior to that if the department deems it necessary. Procedures are to be reviewed, and if necessary, revised every 2 years. They, too, can be reviewed prior to two years if the department deems it necessary. Policy Administration will notify the “owner” of the policy when the 5 year review period is approaching based on the date when it was reviewed and approved by the Council of Trustees.
- How do I know when a policy is posted for public review?
A postmaster is sent out informing the entire campus community that there are policies posted for public review for 10 business days with a link to the web page. The web page allows for public comment.
- What happens with the public comments after the 10 business days?
All questions and comments are received by Policy Administration, forwarded to the policy “owner” for clarification, and reviewed by the Policy Advisory Committee. All individuals are personally contacted, and all questions and answers are posted on the University Policy web page for 10 days after the 10 day public posting period.
- Who do I contact with policy questions?
All policies have a policy owner and a responsible office connected to it. Our goal is to have clear contact information in all policies, but if it is missing or if you have general policy questions, please contact Miguel Barbosa.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Reibman Administration Building
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3545
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3478 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Policy Development Specialist
- Name