Attendance Policy
Policy Statement
This policy applies to management, administrative and support staff employees of East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania.
This policy establishes an attendance policy, provides annual, sick and personal leave definitions, and provides administrative guidelines consistent with collective bargaining agreements and State System policy.
Reason for Policy
The University's leave allowances permit ample time off for leisure, family, and personal business, as well as for periods of employee or family illness or disability.
In all other cases, employees are expected to report for work on time as scheduled.
Regardless of the reason for absence, and regardless of leave allowances available, repeated and excessive absenteeism may subject the user to disciplinary action.
Poor attendance adversely impacts the efficient operation of departments, and places an unfair burden on fellow employees.
Those who are habitually tardy may be subject to disciplinary action.
For information on absences and tardiness because of inclement weather, employees should refer to the Inclement Weather Conditions Policy.
For a greater degree of specificity, administrative and support staff employees should refer to their appropriate collective bargaining agreement.
Management employees should refer to the management leave program guidelines as outlined by the State System of Higher Education.
Appeal Statement
Not Specified in Current Policy
Annual Leave
Annual (vacation) leave is time away from the job with compensation. It is given to
provide time to rest and relax during the course of a year's work.
Annual leave begins to accrue with the first day of work, but is not available for use until the employee has completed 30 days of service.
An absence that is not scheduled and approved in advance may be cause for disciplinary action.
The University anticipates that employees will be able to take vacation at their convenience.
Should conflicts arise, however, management reserves the right to approve all vacation requests based upon maintenance of efficient operations.
Excess Annual Leave
Unused annual leave shall be carried over from one calendar year to the next up to
a maximum of 45 days.
Most employees will be permitted to carry over annual leave in excess of the 45-day limit into the first seven (7) pay periods of the next calendar year.
Employees should refer to their appropriate bargaining agreement for carry over limitations on excess annual leave.
Any days permitted to be carried over which are not scheduled and used during the first seven (7) pay periods of the next calendar year will be converted to sick leave subject to any limitations in a specific bargaining agreement.
Payment of Earned Unused Annual Leave
Earned annual leave is subject to payment in full upon separation of employment.
Sick Leave
Sick leave is time away from the job with compensation. The university provides it
so that an employee's salary may continue during periods of bona fide sickness, off-the-job
injury, and other family illness.
Sick leave begins to accrue with the first day of work, but is not available for use until the employee has completed 30 days of service.
Sick leave will be earned based on a schedule prescribed for your bargaining unit.
Sick leave shall be granted when, because of personal illness or off-the-job injury, employees are unable to perform their assigned duties.
Upon retirement, the university will pay individuals a portion of unused sick leave consistent with the respective collective bargaining agreements.
A doctor's certificate is required if the employee is sick and absent three or more consecutive scheduled workdays.
The University reserves the right to require a doctor's certificate that clearly states the employee was under the physician's care and was unable to work on the day in question where there is reason to believe that the employee has been abusing the sick leave privilege.
Paid sick leave may not be used for vacation or other similar purposes.
When an employee is required to be absent from work because of the serious illness of a member of the employee's immediate family, sick family leave may be used.
Management reserves the right to request proof of family sickness if there is reason to believe an employee has been abusing the sick family leave privilege.
For additional information, employees can refer to the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA).
Sick bereavement leave is to be used as time off for a death in the family.
The specific number of days allowable varies depending upon the relationship of the employee to the deceased.
Employee should refer to their appropriate bargaining agreement or the non-represented employees benefit summary for more specifics on the use of sick family and sick bereavement.
Each supervisor is responsible for reviewing the use of sick leave by each employee under his/her supervision.
Misrepresentation or abuse of sick leave request may subject the employee to disciplinary action.
Excess Sick Leave
Earned unused sick leave may be accumulated and carried forward from one calendar
year to the next.
Payment of Earned Unused Sick Leave
Payment for earned unused sick leave is available for employees who meet certain retirement
criteria. Refer to bargaining unit contracts or the non-represented benefits summary
for specific payment schedules.
Personal Leave
Personal leave is time away from the job with compensation for personal reasons.
Personal leave shall be scheduled and granted per the employee's request, subject to management's ability to maintain efficient operations.
Carryover of Personal Leave
Most employees shall be permitted to carry over unused earned personal leave into
the first seven (7) pay periods of the next calendar year.
Employees should refer to their appropriate bargaining agreement for carry-over limitations.
Any personal days permitted to be carried over which are not scheduled and used during the first seven (7) pay periods of the next calendar year will be lost.
Payment of Earned Unused Personal Leave
Personal leave earned is subject to payment in full upon separation of employment.
Other Leave
For other types of leave such as civil leave, military leave, parental leave, and
leaves of absences without pay, employees should contact the Office of Human Resource
Other Relevant Information
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Reibman Administration Building
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3545
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3478 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Policy Development Specialist
- Name