Use of Commonwealth & University Owned Vehicles Policy
Policy Statement
All Commonwealth and University owned motor vehicles (including cars, vans and other licensed motorized vehicles) shall be used exclusively for University or Commonwealth related official business only by authorized employees.
All such motorized vehicles will be operated in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies including Pennsylvania Code, Title 22, Chapter 507 and the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Board of Governors Policy 1985-02A.
The responsibility of acquiring, maintaining, registering, inspections and repairs will rest with the Facilities Management department.
Funding for exclusive departmental and or program use will not relieve Facilities Management of the overall responsibility for ensuring that vehicle registration and inspections are kept current and all such acquisitions must be processed through Facilities Management.
Where specific motor vehicles are assigned to departments, programs, units or individuals, the responsibility for scheduling such transport will rest with the entity to which the motor vehicle is assigned.
In all other cases, scheduling and reservations will be handled by the Facilities Management Department.
Where motor vehicles are procured through University funds, request for exclusive departmental, program or individual use shall be requested through and granted by the Vice President Finance and Administration.
In all other cases vehicles shall be operated by Facilities Management department except Pool Transport, classroom and athletic vans.
Request for the use of such vehicles shall be made online using the university website.
These vehicles are reserved and scheduled on a first come basis. Priority for pool transport will be: Academic, administrative, and then athletic use.
For classroom vans, priority shall be administrative, academic and then athletic use.
Scheduling and reservation for vans intended for athletic use shall be handled by the Director of Athletics and such vans may only be used for non-athletic purposes when approved by the Director of Athletics.
Commonwealth and University owned vehicles may not be used for the transport of individuals not directly related to the University or being transported for University related business or events.
Reports of a violation of this policy will result in the immediate suspension of an individual's University driving privileges, pending the outcome of an investigation into the alleged violation.
If no violation is discovered, the operator's driving privileges will be reinstated.
However, if the operator is found to be in violation of the policy, the individual will be suspended from operating a University or Commonwealth vehicle for a minimum period of 45 days.
Suspensions lasting longer than 45 days will be at the discretion of the Vice President of Finance and Administration and will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
The use of alcohol, intoxicants or tobacco is prohibited in all Commonwealth or University owned motor vehicles.
Operators and authorized passengers traveling in a Commonwealth or University owned motor vehicle are covered for insurance purposes.
Such coverage is extended for necessary repairs to affected vehicles or to other vehicles or property involved in case of an accident.
However, such coverage may not apply to individuals operating a vehicle in nonconformity of this policy.
Any parking or moving violation resulting in a citation or ticket shall be the responsibility of the operator to settle.
In addition to being financially responsible for settlement of fines, the operator may also be subject to discipline.
Reason for Policy
This Policy is intended to provide clear guidelines for the safe and effective use of all Commonwealth or University owned motor vehicles.
Appeal Statement
All appeals and/or concerns about this policy or related procedures should be addressed to the Vice President of Finance and Administration.
Authorized operators: This term includes employees of the University. This excludes members of University affiliate organizations.
Any individual with a moving violation in their name in the last two years on record is not entitled to drive a Commonwealth or University owned vehicle.
Pool Transport: Vehicles available for use by faculty and staff for academic and academic business excluding vehicles permanently assigned to particular departments.
Other Relevant Information
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Reibman Administration Building
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3545
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3478 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Policy Development Specialist
- Name