Procedure Summary

These procedures cover placing work orders, PC/internet usage in Residence Halls and appropriate behavior in PC labs.


  1. For all academic and administrative connections. For a data network or phone connection put in a work order to Computing Services or Telecommunications respectively.
  2. At least once a year read this acceptable use policy for any changes.
  3. For residence hall student rooms, follow the procedures published on the ESU web site under academic computing. In addition, The following applies:
    1. Configured to use TCP/IP protocol only.
    2. Windows 7 (or higher) or Macintosh operating systems only with all critical updates installed.
    3. No personally owned wireless access points are allowed.
    4. Do not act as a server for any service including, but not limited to, serving music or movies.
    5. Do not use your equipment to provide network access to other equipment.
    6. Provide fully functioning and updated anti-virus and spyware software.
  4. Computer Labs
    1. No food or drinks allowed.
    2. Computer labs are for authorized ESU users only.
    3. Print one final copy only.
    4. Some labs are scheduled for classes and thus have priority.
    5. Abuse of computer lab resources may result in loss of computer lab privileges.



Other Related Information



Computing & Communication Services, (570) 422-3324

These procedures cover placing work orders, PC/internet usage in Residence Halls and appropriate behavior in PC labs.


  1. For all academic and administrative connections. For a data network or phone connection put in a work order to Computing Services or Telecommunications respectively.
  2. At least once a year read this acceptable use policy for any changes.
  3. For residence hall student rooms, follow the procedures published on the ESU web site under academic computing. In addition, The following applies:
    1. Configured to use TCP/IP protocol only.
    2. Windows 7 (or higher) or Macintosh operating systems only with all critical updates installed.
    3. No personally owned wireless access points are allowed.
    4. Do not act as a server for any service including, but not limited to, serving music or movies.
    5. Do not use your equipment to provide network access to other equipment.
    6. Provide fully functioning and updated anti-virus and spyware software.
  4. Computer Labs
    1. No food or drinks allowed.
    2. Computer labs are for authorized ESU users only.
    3. Print one final copy only.
    4. Some labs are scheduled for classes and thus have priority.
    5. Abuse of computer lab resources may result in loss of computer lab privileges.



Other Related Information



Computing & Communication Services, (570) 422-3324

Contact Us

The Office of the President should be contacted with questions concerning this website or the policies listed on it.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Reibman Administration Building
(570) 422-3545
(570) 422-3478 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Policy Development Specialist