Grade Submission Deadline for Fall & Spring Semesters Policy
Policy Statement
Effective Fall 2011, and continuing thereafter, the deadline for Fall and Spring semester grade submissions will be 8:00 A.M. (EST) of the sixth calendar day after the last exam day.
Grades are to be submitted electronically through the medium specified by the Registrar.
Appeal Statement
Not Specified in Current Policy.
Calendar Day: the period of 24 hours from midnight to midnight.
EST: Eastern Standard Time Zone (standard time in the 5th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 75th meridian; used in the eastern United States.)
Other Relevant Information
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Reibman Administration Building
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3545
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3478 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Policy Development Specialist
- Name