What to Report: Discrimination based on Sex, Sex-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, or Retaliation as defined in the ESU Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment Policy.

How to Report: Any person may report a potential violation of the policy, whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to be affected by the misconduct. This can be done online, in person, by email, by telephone, or by postal mail, using the contact information listed for the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator.

Frequently Asked Questions About Reporting

Sometimes people are reluctant to report misconduct for many reasons. One of those reasons is not being aware of what happens when you file a report. Hopefully the answers below can reduce that concern.

What is the difference between a "report" and a "complaint"?

Report - A report is defined as notification of an incident of sex discrimination or sex-based harassment to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator by any person. A report may be accompanied by a request for:

(1) Supportive measures

(2) No further action

(3) Filing a complaint; and/or

(4) A request to initiate an informal resolution process, if available.

A report is different than a complaint. Filing a complaint starts the University’s investigation process. Making a report does not start the investigation process.

Note: When the Title IX Office receives a report, the Title IX Coordinator contacts the affected party, offers supportive measures, explains the process, discusses their rights and options, and answers any questions they may have. The affected party decides if and how they would like to proceed.

Complaint - A verbal or written request to the University that objectively can be understood as a request for the University to investigate and make a determination of responsibility about alleged sex discrimination or sex-based harassment under Title IX. When a party files a complaint, they are the referred to as the "Complainant". And the party that is the subject of the complaint is referred to as the "Respondent".

If I file a Title IX report am I locked into anything?

No. Participating in the Title IX process is entirely up to you. You can request supportive measures and helpful resources, whether you choose to file a complaint or not. Speaking with the Title IX Office does not obligate you to anything.

However, please be aware that if a report contains information that provides knowledge of a threat to the greater campus community, the Title IX Office has the option to take action to ensure that the rest of the community is not in danger.

If something sexual happened to me that I didn’t consent to, what can I do?

You can contact the Title IX Office for help and support. You can do so by referring to the reporting information at the top of this webpage. Once you contact the Title IX Office, the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator will reach out to you to provide you the opportunity to discuss the situation, inform you of your rights under the policy, and provide you with supportive measures, resources, or accommodations that would be of assistance to you.

You can also contact University Police if you have been subjected to a sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking at (570) 422-3046.

You have the right to report an incident to both the Title IX Office and the University Police.

How can I get help without reporting an incident to the Title IX Office?

There are confidential resources on campus and in the community that you can contact. They will not contact the Title IX Office regarding your situation. They are identified below:

  • Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) - Confidential
    Health & Wellness, Lower Sycamore Suites
    (570) 422-3277
  • Student Health Center - Confidential
    200 East Brown St.
    (272) 762-4378
  • Safe Monroe - Confidential
    Domestic & Sexual Violence Services
    225 J. Wilson Drive, Delaware Water Gap, PA
    24-HR Crisis Hotline: (570) 421-4200

Confidentiality & Notifications

When you file a report, the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator will explain more to you about privacy and confidentiality.

Can I file a report anonymously?
Yes. You can report an incident of sexual misconduct anonymously. File a report online and select the "Remain Anonymous" checkbox. Remember, however, that if you make an anonymous report, it may limit the actions the University can take without all of the information.
Will my parents be contacted if I make a complaint or I'm accused of sexual misconduct?
No. You may tell them what occurred, but they will not receive notification from the Title IX Office (unless you are under the age of 18). Additionally, the Title IX Office may not speak to your parents about the situation unless you give us permission to.
Will the other person know that I filed a complaint against them?

Yes. If you wish to file a complaint, then the other person will be notified that a complaint was made against them and it was you that filed the complaint. They will also be notified of the date and time and location where the incident(s) occurred, and the allegations that were made. This is part of the due process protections provided to everyone involved in the process.

There are other avenues that you may wish to pursue if you don’t want notification to be made to the other person or if you want to keep the matter confidential. These others processes will be described to you by the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator.

Will this go on my record?
No. This matter will not be made part of your academic record. However, if the respondent is found to be responsible for the alleged misconduct, the respondent will then have a record in the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. Nothing is noted on a student’s academic transcript if they participate in the Title IX process.
What other Title IX cases are happening on campus? Don’t I need to know this?
Title IX cases and investigations are confidential, so unless there is a compelling reason to know about the investigation, you will not know the types or number of cases on campus. However, the campus Clery Report provides you with information regarding criminal activity (including sexual assault) occurring on campus on an annual basis.
What if there is a danger to the community? How will I know about that?
The complaints made to the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator provide information to determine whether there is a danger to the community from the actions of this individual(s). If there is a danger to the community or continuing threat, the Title IX Office is well situated to inform University police. Additionally, University Police provide regular safety messaging regarding incidents that have occurred on campus and provide information regarding appropriate safety measures. Further, the Title IX office may initiate investigations on behalf of the University if there are allegations of a danger to the campus or community.

What happens to the accused individual?

See more information for students who have been accused of sexual misconduct.

Will the other person get kicked out of school for this?
If the Respondent is found responsible for alleged conduct after an investigation and formal hearing, one of the potential disciplinary sanctions could include expulsion from the school. However, before that would occur, the respondent would be provided due process in both the investigation and the hearing to ensure that everyone is being treated fairly.
Will the other person possibly go to jail if they sexually assaulted me?
Possibly. But this determination would be made through the law enforcement and criminal prosecution process, not the Title IX process. Both of these processes can go on simultaneously. The Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator can address the differences between the processes with you.

Contact Us

For help handling a situation involving any kind of sexual assault, sexual harassment, sex-based discrimination, sexual exploitation, or dating/domestic violence you can contact the University’s Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator Christopher Bean at titleixreport@esu.edu.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Sycamore Suites, Lower Level, 011
(570) 422-2277
Title of Department Leader
Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator
Christopher S. Bean