Satisfying New General Education Requirements
We realize that 12 requirements are a lot to take in all at once, so we've listed the requirements individually below. Clicking on any one of them will give you more information about satisfying that particular requirement.
- English Composition (ENGL 103) Requirement
Satisfying this requirement is pretty easy. Take English Composition (ENGL 103)! Note that you may be exempted from taking ENGL 103 (and receive credit for it) if you take and achieve a sufficient score on the CLEP general examination in English Composition (with essay). A minimum grade of "C" in ENGL 103 is required in order to fulfill the English Composition Requirement.
Don't wait too long to take ENGL 103. You must complete this requirement during your first 45 credits of study at ESU!
- First Year Experience (FYE) Requirement
You satisfy this requirement simply by taking any course with the rubric FYE. For example, successfully competing the course: FYE 100: University Studies satisfies your First Year Experience Requirement.
Don't wait too long to take a First Year Experience course. You must complete this requirement during your first year of study at ESU!
- Wellness (SLO VII) Requirement
You satisfy this requirement by successfully completing any course with the attribute "H". In the course catalog, such courses are identified by the presence of the text
Distribution: Wellness (H)
following the course description.
Don't wait too long to take a Wellness course. You must complete this requirement during your first 60 credits of study at ESU!
- Group A Breadth Requirement
This requirement has two parts. First of all, you must take at least 12 credits of Group A General Education courses. These courses are identified by both a GN in the course title and by one of the following five attributes in the Distribution Section after the course description: AEL, AFA, AML, APA, or APH. Secondly, in completing these 12 credits, you must take GN courses that have at least four different attributes from this list.
As an example, suppose one successfully completes a 3 credit GN course with the attribute AFA. After doing so, this student needs to take only 9 more credits in Group A, and must spread these credits over at least three of the attributes: AEL, AML, APA, and APH.
- Group B Breadth Requirement
This requirement has three parts. First of all, you must take at least 12 credits of Group B General Education courses. These courses are identified by both a GN in the course title and by one of the following six attributes in the Distribution Section after the course description: BBI, BCH, BCS, BMA, BPH, or BPS. Secondly, in completing these 12 credits, you must take GN courses that have at least four different attributes from this list. Finally, one of the courses that you take must have "meeting the university math competency requirement" as a prerequisite. Courses that satisfy this last requirement are labeled with the attribute M in the Distribution section after the course description.
As an example, suppose one successfully completes a 3 credit GN course with the attribute BPH. After doing so, this student needs to take only 9 more credits in Group B, and must spread these credits over at least three of the attributes: BBI, BCH, BCH, BMA, and BPS. Since the course taken did not have the M attribute, one of the remaining courses taken in Group B must have the M attribute.
- Group C Breadth Requirement
This requirement has two parts. First of all, you must take at least 12 credits of Group C General Education courses. These courses are identified by both a GN in the course title and by one of the following five attributes in the Distribution Section after the course description: CEC, CGE, CHI, CPS, or CSO. Secondly, in completing these 12 credits, you must take GN courses that have at least four different attributes from this list.
As an example, suppose one successfully completes a 3 credit GN course with the attribute CSO. After doing so, this student needs to take only 9 more credits in Group C, and must spread these credits over at least three of the attributes: CEC, CGE, CHI, and CPS.
- Global Diversity and Citizenship (SLO I) Requirement
You satisfy this requirement by successfully completing any course with the attribute "G". In the course catalog, such courses are identified by the presence of the text
Distribution: Global Diversity and Citizenship (G)
following the course description.
- Communication (SLO III) Requirement
You satisfy this requirement by successfully completing any course with the attribute "C". In the course catalog, such courses are identified by the presence of the text
Distribution: Communication (C)
following the course description.
- Information Literacy and Technological Skills (SLO IV) Requirement
You satisfy this requirement by successfully completing any course with the attribute "I". In the course catalog, such courses are identified by the presence of the text
Distribution: Information Literacy/Technology (I)
following the course description.
- Artistic Expression (SLO VI) Requirement
You satisfy this requirement by successfully completing any course with the attribute "A". In the course catalog, such courses are identified by the presence of the text
Distribution: Artistic Expression (A)
following the course description.
- Level II Writing (W2) Requirement
You satisfy this requirement by successfully completing any course with the attribute "W2". In the course catalog, such courses are identified by the presence of the text
Distribution: Level II Writing (W2)
following the course description.
- Level III (W3) Requirement
You satisfy this requirement by successfully completing any course with the attribute "W3". In the course catalog, such courses are identified by the presence of the text
Distribution: Level III Writing (W3)
following the course description.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 309 F
- Title of Department Leader
- GE Committee Chair
- Name
- Jan Selving
- E:
- jselving@esu.edu
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3992