Remember, drinking in college is not a rite of passage. The stereotype that "everyone is drinking" is not the truth. If you choose to drink alcohol, please do so responsibly by using tips from our PARTY Smart campaign.

Pace Yourself: It is not a race to see who can drink the fastest or the most number of drinks.

Alternate Drinks: Drink water or a non-alcoholic beverage between drinking alcohol. Your body can only process approximately one standard drink per hour.

Record the Number of Standard Drinks You Consume: Keep track of how much and how many drinks you are consuming.

Take Time to Eat: Never begin drinking on an empty stomach. Always eat before, during, and after consuming alcohol.

You Always Need a SOBER Designated Driver: Once you begin drinking alcohol, it is never okay for you to be behind the wheel. Have a sober designated driver planned prior to your drinking or have numbers of local cab companies on your phone to get a ride home.

Quit Smoking

If you ask anyone you know that smokes if they plan to quit, many have thought about it or have tried. Many students say they’ll stop smoking when they graduate. If you smoke or chew tobacco regularly, it’s a good idea to think about quitting. The sooner you quit, the sooner you will begin to reap the benefits from living a smoke free life.

Quitting tobacco is not EASY! If you are interested in quitting we are here to HELP!!

We provide many educational programs and can tailor one to fit your needs. Additionally, you can meet with Laura one-on-one to discuss strategies to quit! Please email Kayla Simon for more information.


Cannabis/Marijuana is a mind-altering drug, produced by the cannabis sativa plant. THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is believed to be the main ingredient that produces the psychoactive effect. When cannabis is smoked, THC passes through the lungs and into the bloodstream, carrying the chemicals through the body to the brain.

Some side effects can include sedation, bloodshot eyes, increased heart rate, lung irritation, increased appetite, sleep difficulties, and decreased blood pressure.

Additional Resources

Contact Us

The Wellness Education & Prevention office is open between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. in the Flagler-Metzgar Center. If there are any questions regarding programming, upcoming events, or general health questions feel free to contact Kayla Simon.

If you have experienced sexual assault and need crisis support, please call Women’s Resources of Monroe County, Inc, at (570) 421-4200 or the National Sexual Assault Hotline at (800) 656-HOPE (4673) or visit their 24/7 chat.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Sycamore Suites, Lower level, 025
(570) 422-3298
Title of Department Leader
Coordinator, Wellness Education & Prevention
Kayla Simon
(570) 422-2734