Student Organizations
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is a campus group that is part of an international organization that promotes quality programs for individuals with disabilities.
We have an active chapter on campus. CEC is a great opportunity to meet fellow special educators and work with individuals with disabilities of all ages.
Some of the CEC activities include:
- Planning events with students & families of children with Down syndrome
- Visiting adults with intellectual disabilities at a local state developmental center
- Helping with Special Olympics
- Babysitting children with varying disabilities
- Tutoring students who are at-risk
- Fundraising: bake sales, pretzel sales, tee shirts, etc.
- Inviting guest speakers to present information about current special education topics
- Attending a state level CEC conference near Hershey, PA.
Sigma Pi Epsilon Delta is the National Honor Society for special education and rehabilitation majors.
After completion of nine (9) semester hours of special education major coursework and two (2) recommendation letters, students may apply to join the honorary.
Interested applicants must have earned an overall cumulative quality point average of 3.1 or better and a major quality point average of 3.25 or higher in addition to 50 hours of working with individuals with disabilities. Honor society members support activities for individuals with disabilities in the community.
Rehabilitative Services Student Organization (RSSO) is the organization for majors in Rehabilitative Services. Members of the organization host speakers from adult service agencies and provide services to individuals with disabilities who receive services from area rehabilitation agencies.
Our organization is also an active supporter of the Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Association, which is the state chapter of the National Rehabilitation Association.
Best Buddies is an international organization that enhances the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by providing opportunities for one-to-one friendships and integrated employment.
At East Stroudsburg University we match college students and individuals with intellectual disabilities throughout the community in one-to-one friendships. Everyone that joins our chapter will learn and grow from their experiences in the Best Buddies program.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 105 D
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3558
- Title of Department Leader
- Department Chair Special Education & Rehabilitation
- Name
- Dr. Gina Scala
- E:
- gscala@esu.edu
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3781