Facilities Management FAQs
- Where is Facilities Management located?
The Facilities Management Complex is located on Normal Street between Green Street and Moore Biology Hall.
- How do I request for some repair or work/ services to be done?
Open your web browser (for example, Internet Explorer) and in the address bar type http://esuworkorders.admin.esu.edu:11010/homeFM.html. There are detailed instructions on the page showing how to enter a work request.
An Emergency call to Facilities Management (for urgent/emergency assistance) must be followed with a web request.
Any work requiring more than 37.5 man hours, costing more than $3,000 in material, involving any change in existing building design/configuration, requiring purchase of special material, pertaining to installation of special equipment, or beyond the scope of routine maintenance of existing equipment is normally classified as a Maintenance Project. Electronic work order system should not be used for such work. The process related to such projects is for the department to initiate a project proposal form and send it to the Director of Facilities Management for initial review and establishment of a budgetary estimate. Upon return of that form, the department should secure funding through their dean and concerned vice president. Facilities Management then allocates a project number to this, requests the Business Office to establish a corresponding WBS element and fund the cost code before beginning work.
- How do I schedule a field or non academic spaces?
Conference Services schedules fields and other non academic spaces. Feel free to contact them at conferences@esu.edu.
- How do I obtain a key to an office, classroom, or building?
Department Chair or Dean's (or the Director of an administrative department) approval is needed before keys are issued to University faculty and staff. Office secretary/administrative support staff submits an online work request to the Facilities Management Department including following information: Individuals name, building with room number and contract dates. Name of the approving supervisor should be included in the work request. All requests are reviewed by the Lock Control Officer at Facilities Management before being processed.
- How do I pick up/return keys?
When your key is ready, you will be notified via mail. In order to pick up/return a key, you must have a valid photo identification (driver's license or eCard).
Keys may be picked up or returned to Facilities Management Office Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:30AM - 11:30AM and 1:00PM - 3:30PM.
You are personally responsible for safe custody, authorized use and ultimate return of all keys issued to you. When no longer needed or in the event of being transferred to another department/location or separation from the University you are required to return all keys to the Facilities Management Office prior to leaving your employment or transferring to another department.
- What do I do if I lose my keys?
Loss of key or access card must be reported in writing via e-mail to University Police, Facilities Management Department, & the appropriate approving authority.
Students that report a loss of residence hall or mailbox key will be assessed a fine by the Residence Life & Housing office.
Failure to report or repeated loss of keys by an individual may result in disciplinary action.
The department where the continual loss of keys results in the need to re-secure of an area, will be responsible for all cost incurred in doing so.
- How do I request for new or replacement furniture for an office?
Furniture is normally replaced by departments using their own budget. Occasionally, departments may find limited furniture items that may be available in surplus storage with Facilities. A web request may be made to determine if needed furniture is available before ordering new.
Please note that the requesting individual is responsible for the disposal/removal of any furniture they wish to discard. Any requests to dispose of surplus furniture must adhere to the Surplus Property Policy. Once approval is received to dispose of the furniture, a work request should be submitted to FM Campus Care - General Services to remove the furniture.
- How do I report an unsafe condition on campus?
Any individual observing an unsafe condition on campus relating to facilities is encouraged to contact Facilities Management in addition to alerting the Director of Safety. During off hours, all safety concerns should be relayed to Campus Police.
- What are the guidelines for packing in preparation of an Office Move?
Following guidelines may help you plan better in case your office is being moved:
- Clear your bookshelves and desks of all books. These books should be placed in cardboard boxes, sealed and your name (clearly visible) on the outside of the boxes. Please stack these boxes in a corner or area of your office that is easily accessible to the maintenance personnel who will be moving them. Limit the size and weight of the box to reasonable levels. (Paper sized boxes, 40-50lbs).
- Boxes for packing are not provided by the Facilities Management. However, if you are aware of empty boxes on campus that you would like delivered to your department for packing purposes, we can transport them.
- When finished packing your books and materials, please number each box and keep a master list of how many boxes and their contents. You might want to use a system such as 1 of 7 (first box of a total of 7 boxes).
- All personal items, such as pictures, lamps, radios, etc. should be taken home. Anything valuable must be removed because the space will be open during construction. The maintenance personnel cannot and should not be responsible for the care of those personal items.
- Computers and printers should be tagged with masking tape that clearly indicates your name. It is recommended that you tag each piece of EquiPMent in two or more places. EquiPMent should be disconnected and ready to move. If you need help in this area, please call Academic Computing.
- If you have a vertical file cabinet that you will want moved to your new office location, please make certain that it is prepared in such a manner that none of the drawers will come open in the move. Drawers heavy with papers or materials can be placed in plastic bags to keep the contents in place or you can place the materials in cardboard boxes with your names clearly indicated. Lateral Files must be emptied. Again, the maintenance personnel cannot be responsible for any loose papers or drawers that become loose.
- If furniture is to be moved, please measure the new location and draw a sketch of where different pieces of furniture need to be placed. If assembling will be needed, please note that the work will probably be done a different crew and may not happen concurrently with the office move.
- Painting is not normally done each time an office is moved. If you feel that there is a need for the new location to be painted, please make your request online and our painting crew will assess the need. You may note that while we make every effort to paint when offices are vacant, a scheduled office move must not be delayed in anticipation of painting (which may be done later).
- Copiers that need moved should be coordinated through Business Office.
- I seem to have ants/bugs/bees etc. in my room; how can I request exterminator services?
An online work order request will enable Facilities Management to arrange for and schedule this service at no charge. Resident hall students should contact the Residence Life staff (RA/RD) to ensure that a work request is placed online.
- How do I obtain emergency repair assistance or request for maintenance/custodial service during off hours and on week ends?
All routine requests are processed by the Facilities Maintenance Office Monday through Friday from 8:00AM to 4:00PM. In case of an emergency, at any time, please dial ext. 2000 and contact Campus Police for assistance. Campus Police maintains a list of names that they may contact to secure any type of maintenance, custodial, general service or planning assistance 24/7. You may note that a limited number of FM staff do work off hours and over week ends. While they have pre-assigned areas of responsibility, they may be contacted by the Campus Police if necessary, for urgent repair/work requests. Therefore, during off hours and on week ends, in all non-emergency situations, please contact Campus Police at ext. 3064 for assistance.
- How do I lodge a complaint, record my satisfaction, or submit an idea/comment?
We encourage you to communicate your thoughts to us. Please feel free to send us an email FMHelpDesk@esu.edu, call us by phone (ext. 3223 or 3077), drop your written comments in the drop box mounted outside Facilities management Complex, or simply stop by.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Facilities Management Complex
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3223
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3777 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Director Facilities Management
- Name
- John Bloshinski II
- E:
- jbloshinksi@esu.edu