East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania is a respected comprehensive public institution of higher learning ideally positioned for continued growth through responsible planning.

Continued growth encompasses, among other things, the need to accommodate present and future academic needs of students and faculty with adequate physical resources (e.g. existing buildings, renovation, and new construction).

These pages endeavor to maintain updated information on the status of new construction and the renovation of existing buildings.

Please check back regularly for the latest news and construction updates.

Contact Us

Your primary contact is the Customer Service Desk at (570) 422-3223 where we receive and record all calls, which are transmitted immediately to the appropriate managers and supervisors. For assistance after hours, please contact Campus Police at (570) 422-3064.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Facilities Management Complex
(570) 422-3223
(570) 422-3777 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Director Facilities Management
John Bloshinski II