List of All the Constuction Projects on Campus

Project Estimated Cost Start date Project Progress
Elevator Upgrades (DeNike & Gessner) $900K 05/2022 Complete
Construct New Information Commons Phase 1 $80M 07/2022 In Construction
Construct New University Center $80M 07/2022 In Construction
Minsi Life Cycle Renovations Phase 1 $3M 12/2022 Complete
Lenape Masonry Repair $448K 05/2023 In Construction
Moore Forensic Repair $400K 05/2023 Complete
Replace Eiler-Martin Stadium LED Lighting $600K 06/2023 Complete
Eiler Martin Stadium/Whitenight Field Scoreboard Replacement $469K 06/2023 Complete
New Tennis Court Complex $1.4M 02/2024 In Design
Zimbar Gym Kalwall Replacement and Painting $500K 05/2024 In Design
Innovation Center Fire Damage Repair  TBD 05/2024 In Construction
Abeloff ADA Lift/Toilet Room & Exterior Doors Renovations TBD 05/2024 In Design
Minsi Masonry Repairs TBD 05/2024 In Design
Dansbury Commons Interior Renovations TBD 05/2024 In Design
Mattioli Rec Center Floor Refinish TBD 05/2024 In Design
Minsi Masonry Repairs 1.5M 12/2024 Out for Bid
Chick-fil-A Fitout TBD 01/2025 In Design
Hemlock Summer 2025 Partial Refresh  TBD 05/2025 TBD
KFH Storefront Replacement TBD 05/2025 TBD
Minsi Life Cycle Renovations Phase 2 TBD 05/2025 In Design
DeNike 1st Flr Flooring Replacement  TBD 06/2025 TBD
Mattioli Recreation Center Interior Renovation $3.7M TBD In Design
Rosenkrans E-Sports Lab/VR Lab/Digital Warrior Podcasting Studio TBD TBD On Hold

Contact Us

Your primary contact is the Customer Service Desk at (570) 422-3223 where we receive and record all calls, which are transmitted immediately to the appropriate managers and supervisors. For assistance after hours, please contact Campus Police at (570) 422-3064.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Facilities Management Complex
(570) 422-3223
(570) 422-3777 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Director Facilities Management
John Bloshinski II