Internship Program
The Department of Communication's Internship Program is designed to provide students with real-life working experiences at companies and other organizations that offer such experiences related to the field of communication.
Internships are essential in the areas of broadcasting and public relations, but are also helpful in preparing the student for many other communication areas, including graduate school.
The broadcasting concentration requires students to take a 3 credit internship (CMST 486), but students in the other concentration are also eligible to apply.
Students who want to apply for an internship must meet the following three criteria:
- They have a 2.0 in the major.
- They have completed 15 credits of coursework in the major.
- They have secured a sponsoring internship site.
Students may select which Communication faculty member they want to supervise the internship, subject to approval of the department chair.
Each semester, the Department of Communication holds an internship information session for CMST majors.
A letter announcing this event is sent out to all Communication majors.
Students can apply for an internship or receive further information by contacting Dr. Margaret Mullan, Department of Communication Internship Coordinator, at mmulan@esu.edu, or (570) 422-3136.
Please compile and save all these documents (see the right sidebar on the webpage). All internship application documents need to be properly signed and forwarded to the Department Internship Coordinator.
Statement of Purpose Letter: This is a one-page cover letter in which you describe (a) the field you want to work in, (b) why you have chosen this field, and (c) what you expect to learn. This letter should be carefully proofread and well written.
Completed CMST Department Internship Application Form (Revised January 2023) (pp 3 & 4) Need to get this signed by On-site supervisor, your CMST instructor will sign this when you forward on to them, the CMST Internship Coordinator will sign when forwarded to them.
Signed Internship Agreement Affiliation Agreement Need to get this signed by On-site supervisor who fills in name & address of the Organization on p. 1 then fills in only right hand column: Name of the organization, Authorized Signature under Name of the Organization, and then Prints Name/Title) Please do not sign under Left hand column: East Stroudsburg University / Authorized Signature : this is for the Provost to sign.
Completed East Stroudsburg University Internship Application Form (Fall/Spring or Summer) Your CMST instructor will sign this when you forward on to them
An Unofficial East Stroudsburg University Transcript from Degreeworks: This transcript must demonstrate that you have completed 15 credit hours in the Communication major at ESU by the time the internship starts, and that you have a 2.0 in the Communication major. Students can take screen shots of their transcript and put images into one document.
A Title IX Form: This form is to ensure you have read ESU’s Policy Statement on Assault Prevention Signed by On-site supervisor who signs I,___[Name of On-site supervisor]___and signs Signature of Recipient
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Monroe Hall
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3812
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3402 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Department Chair
- Name
- Andrea McClanahan
- E:
- amcclanahan@esu.edu
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3697