Got Questions? We Have Answers
What STEM degrees can a Clear Path Scholar major in?
Scholarships will only be provided to students majoring in the following STEM degrees: Biochemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemical Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computer Security, Environmental Studies, Marine Science, Mathematics, and Physics--secondary education concentrations may be eligible-- contact to inquire.
- I am not majoring in a Clear Path major at my community college. Can I still be a Clear Path Scholar?
Absolutely! The majors specified are majors at ESU. You can be majoring in any major at your community college, including undeclared
- Psychology is also a science degrees at ESU. Can I get a scholarship if I major in psychology?
Unfortunately, students majoring in psychology are not eligible for Clear Path. Other scholarships may be available. Contact admissions or your department chair for information on other scholarship opportunities.
- How is financial need going to be determined?
All interested applicants need to complete a FAFSA application. This is the information that will be used to determine financial need.
- I know I have some financial need, as I qualify for a subsidized student loan, but I don’t think it is $10,000 worth a year. Should I still apply?
Absolutely! Partial scholarships will be awarded. You will only receive as much scholarship money up to $10,000 as demonstrated by your financial need.
- Will I be required to attend Clear Path events outside of class time?
Yes, part of this program will help mentor you, provide you with training, and offer other activities designed to help maximize your success. Some are required, others are optional. None will require more than a few extra hours a semester.
- I heard at ESU that no-cost tutors are only available for lower level classes. Will I be able to get a tutor for upper level STEM classes if I am a Clear Path Scholar? How much will it cost?
There will be no cost for Clear Path Scholars to have a tutor for upper level (300/400) STEM classes.
- Can international students apply?
Clear Path Scholars must be citizens of the United States, nationals of the United States (as defined in section 101(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act), aliens admitted as refugees under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, or aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence.
- How long do I need to be at my community college before I can qualify as a Clear Path Scholar at ESU?
While there is no time requirement, every Clear Path Scholar must have accumulated 45 credits at the community college by the time they begin at ESU. Credits may be added as late as the summer prior to transferring to ESU.
- My GPA isn't super. Can I still be a Clear Path Scholar?
Clear Path Scholars are selected using a number of criteria. GPA is only one component in scholar selection - a minimum community college GPA is not specified.
- How many courses/credits will I be taking?
We encourage Clear Path Scholars to be full time students (at least twelve credits) whenever possible as this is the most efficient route to a degree. Students taking at least six credits are eligible for the program.
- I am not sure how to write a personal statement. What should I include?
Your personal statement should explain why you wish to pursue your education in your selected STEM field. What is it in your life experiences that has influenced you and placed you on this path? What are your goals and why have you set those goals? Another option is to schedule an interview with the Clear Path liaison at your community college instead of writing a personal statement.
- I’m a high school student in a dual enrollment program with my local community college. Am I eligible for Clear Path?
Absolutely! Dual enrollment students are eligible for Clear Path and transfer to ESU. Please apply! In order to clear the path to your bachelors degree we will carefully advise you to ensure that you can obtain your degree as efficiently as possible.
- I took some of science labs virtually (not in person) at my community college. Can I still apply for Clear Path?
Yes, you can. If you took your labs virtually, we will accept those credits for the labs. However, your advisor will evaluate your laboratory skills, and if necessary, will work with you to improve your lab skills to meet professional standards and to ensure your success in upper-level F2F labs and the Clear Path Program.
- Clear Path is giving me a scholarship and a host of support services. What’s the catch? What do I have to do for Clear Path?
There is no catch here. To remain a Clear Path Scholar you must maintain a minimum 2.8 GPA and make progress towards your degree in your STEM major. You need to meet with your CP advisor one time per semester and respond to a couple of questionnaires that collect information for Clear Path and for NSF. Group activities, tutoring and mentor interaction are optional but will benefit you academically and socially.
* This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers 1564534 and 2130103. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Science & Technology Center 232
- Phone:
- (570) 422-5648
- Title of Department Leader
- Clear Path Scholarship
- Name
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