Congratulations on being accepted to East Stroudsburg University (ESU)!

We are excited to have you join our community. Everyone on campus wants you to succeed. A first step in that process is making sure you are registered for the correct classes for your major and background. One of the most challenging issues is “which math class should I take?” ESU uses ALEKS to help answer that question.

ALEKS is a web-based program that will ask you math questions. It will adjust the difficulty of the questions as it “learns” about your mathematical ability. Early on, you may get some questions that are too hard for you. Don’t panic, it means you got the previous question(s) right and the program is seeing how you perform on harder questions.

If you have an idea what to do, you should try to answer the question. If you have no idea how to answer the question, choose the “I don’t know” option and the program will ask an easier question. Over time, the questions will settle into the “right” difficulty level for you.

At the end you will receive two types of information:

(1) A score out of 100 that will indicate which math class would be most suitable for you and (2) a pie chart that will indicate the types of questions you answered on the assessment. There will also be a recommended Prep and Learning Module you can complete to help prepare you for your college class or to prepare you to retake the assessment to improve your score and place into a different math class.

Approach this assessment thoughtfully. Choose a comfortable environment where you can really focus and concentrate. Make the ALEKS assessment a priority and give it your best effort. It's important not to overlook your existing knowledge – we wouldn't want you spending unnecessary time and money on material you're already familiar with. Similarly, resist the temptation to reach out for help or use unauthorized resources during the assessment. We want to ensure you're placed in a class that matches your readiness. Remember, having to retake classes can be both frustrating and costly.


The ALEKS assessment will include about 30 open-ended questions. You will have 24 hours to complete the assessment. Most students spend 60 – 90 minutes on the assessment. We recommend finding a quiet place to take the assessment and giving yourself two hours to work on it.

You will need only scrap paper and a pencil or pen. The program has a built-in calculator for questions that need a calculator. You should not use a calculator other than the one provided by ALEKS. When no calculator is provided, you should answer the question without using a calculator.

Got your score?

Use the table below to see which course(s) your ALEKS score shows you are ready to attempt. Note that most courses don’t have an upper limit. Any student who meets the minimum threshold can take those courses. The courses with upper limits are designed for students who might benefit from extra support in their math classes.

Course number and name Minimum Score Maximum Score if applicable
MATH 090 Intermediate Algebra 0 30
MATH 100 Numbers Sets and Structures 30  
MATH 101 Excursions in Mathematics 30  
MATH 105 Problem Solving for Pre-K
to Grade 8 Education Majors
(education majors only)
MATH 110 General Statistics 46  
MATH 111 General Statistics with
Introductory Mathematics
22 45
MATH 129 Applied Algebraic Methods
with Foundational Mathematics
22 45
MATH 130 Applied Algebraic Methods 46  
MATH 135 Pre-calculus 61  
MATH 140 Calculus I 76  

We are excited to have you join our community. Everyone on campus wants you to succeed. A first step in that process is making sure you are registered for the correct classes for your major and background. One of the most challenging issues is “which math class should I take?” ESU uses ALEKS to help answer that question.

ALEKS is a web-based program that will ask you math questions. It will adjust the difficulty of the questions as it “learns” about your mathematical ability. Early on, you may get some questions that are too hard for you. Don’t panic, it means you got the previous question(s) right and the program is seeing how you perform on harder questions.

If you have an idea what to do, you should try to answer the question. If you have no idea how to answer the question, choose the “I don’t know” option and the program will ask an easier question. Over time, the questions will settle into the “right” difficulty level for you.

At the end you will receive two types of information:

(1) A score out of 100 that will indicate which math class would be most suitable for you and (2) a pie chart that will indicate the types of questions you answered on the assessment. There will also be a recommended Prep and Learning Module you can complete to help prepare you for your college class or to prepare you to retake the assessment to improve your score and place into a different math class.

Approach this assessment thoughtfully. Choose a comfortable environment where you can really focus and concentrate. Make the ALEKS assessment a priority and give it your best effort. It's important not to overlook your existing knowledge – we wouldn't want you spending unnecessary time and money on material you're already familiar with. Similarly, resist the temptation to reach out for help or use unauthorized resources during the assessment. We want to ensure you're placed in a class that matches your readiness. Remember, having to retake classes can be both frustrating and costly.


The ALEKS assessment will include about 30 open-ended questions. You will have 24 hours to complete the assessment. Most students spend 60 – 90 minutes on the assessment. We recommend finding a quiet place to take the assessment and giving yourself two hours to work on it.

You will need only scrap paper and a pencil or pen. The program has a built-in calculator for questions that need a calculator. You should not use a calculator other than the one provided by ALEKS. When no calculator is provided, you should answer the question without using a calculator.

Got your score?

Use the table below to see which course(s) your ALEKS score shows you are ready to attempt. Note that most courses don’t have an upper limit. Any student who meets the minimum threshold can take those courses. The courses with upper limits are designed for students who might benefit from extra support in their math classes.

Course number and name Minimum Score Maximum Score if applicable
MATH 090 Intermediate Algebra 0 30
MATH 100 Numbers Sets and Structures 30  
MATH 101 Excursions in Mathematics 30  
MATH 105 Problem Solving for Pre-K
to Grade 8 Education Majors
(education majors only)
MATH 110 General Statistics 46  
MATH 111 General Statistics with
Introductory Mathematics
22 45
MATH 129 Applied Algebraic Methods
with Foundational Mathematics
22 45
MATH 130 Applied Algebraic Methods 46  
MATH 135 Pre-calculus 61  
MATH 140 Calculus I 76  

Want more Information?

Contact Us

For more information on the programs offered in the Mathematics department, please contact

Contact Information

Campus Address
Science & Technology 118
(570) 422-3447
(570) 422-3899 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Department Chair
Olivia Carducci
(570) 422-3444