Do you have an event or program you’d like to promote among members of ESU’s campus? Perhaps you’d like to reach a wider audience and include the local or regional community. Marketing and Communications can help!

Campus Communications

Spread awareness of your program to ESU's students, faculty and staff.

  • Warrior Notes: This daily email message is sent to all faculty, staff, and students when classes are in session and contains a bulleted list of notifications and reminders for the campus community.
  • Campus-wide E-mails: Submit requests for listserv messages to the ESU campus community.
  • Digital Signage: Post your sign on digital screens across campus to promote campus events and provide important reminders.

Reaching a Wider Audience

Use these tools to promote your program or event to the regional community and beyond.

  • Social Media Messages: East Stroudsburg University currently has official listings on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat.
    • Requests must be appropriate for all internal and external audiences in order to be considered for posting.
    • All submissions must be brief. All submissions should be checked for grammar and spelling before they are reviewed by system administrators.
  • Press Release / Publicity Request: The Office of Marketing and Communications aims to help publicize programs, stories, and university events open to the public by maintaining a continuous flow of news releases to local and regional media outlets.
  • Gift Item Request: Marketing and Communications has a limited supply of branded giveaway items such as pens, pencils, and post-its, as well as higher end gifts such as travel mugs and hats.

Contact Us

Please direct any questions to the Office of University Marketing and Communications at (570) 422-3532. For athletics communication, please contact Ryan Long by email or at (570) 422-3312.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Reibman Administration Building
(570) 422-3532
(570) 422-3846 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Director, University Marketing and Communications
Elizabeth Richardson
(570) 422-3139