Studies Performance Appreciation History Outreach

They’re all a part of the rich jazz experience at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania. With a number of music degrees offered at ESU, including concentrations in jazz, students enjoy numerous “up close and personal” experiences with both regional and world-renowned jazz professionals.

In the Jazz Masters Seminar, professionals present their music, lives and careers to students and the public in an informal classroom setting. Each artist appears as guest speaker and performer, interacting with the class and audience. Previous lecturer-performers have included:

Each concert in the Mentor Concert Series pairs two musicians who are peer mentors or who once had a mentor-student relationship, now complimenting each others’ performance. To date, the concerts have featured such artists as:

Over the years, students playing in the University Jazz Ensemble have had the unique privilege to accompany top-flight guest artists in concerts on campus. These performers, some with multiple appearances, have included:

Audio and video tapes of the Jazz Masters Seminar, Mentor Concert Series and University Jazz Ensemble concerts are preserved in the Pocono Jazz Heritage Collection of the ACMJC.

Contact Us

For more information regarding Jazz at ESU or the Al Cohn Memorial Jazz Collection, please contact Matt Vashlishan.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Fine and Performing Art Center, Kemp Library (ACMJC)
(570) 422-3828
Title of Department Leader
Jazz Program Coordinator, Al Cohn Memorial Jazz Collection
(570) 422-3828