Donate to Us

There are a number of ways you can help keep this worthwhile collection going while enjoying the benefits that go along with giving to a worthy cause.

Monetary Donations: The generosity of ACMJC supporters has kept this collection going since 1988. Please help keep it going by sending us a monetary donation. Check or money orders can be made payable to “Al Cohn Memorial Jazz Collection” and mailed to the address at the bottom of this page. If your employer offers a matching gifts program, we’d be doubly delighted if you’d include an application for us to submit. Thank you!

Jazz-Related Materials Donations: Since its inception, the collection’s holdings have consisted entirely of donated materials. Original compositions and arrangements, all forms of recordings, photographs, interviews, essays, video tapes, ephemera, books and artwork have been sent to the collection by generous contributors. If you have jazz-related materials you would like to donate, please contact Matt Vashlishan, Collection Coordinator, at (570) 422-3828 or email at

It is also possible to donate items at a later time. Through designations in their wills, a few very generous supporters plan to pass along their private jazz collections to the ACMJC.

To those of you who have supported us so generously in the past please accept our heartfelt thanks — we wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for you!

All monetary donations are tax-deductible and gratefully acknowledged. In order to claim a tax deduction for a significant donation of jazz-related materials, you may need to have an appraisal made first. Please note that we cannot provide appraisals or legal/tax advice, so please consult your own advisers.

Contact Us

For more information regarding Jazz at ESU or the Al Cohn Memorial Jazz Collection, please contact Matt Vashlishan.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Fine and Performing Art Center, Kemp Library (ACMJC)
(570) 422-3828
Title of Department Leader
Jazz Program Coordinator, Al Cohn Memorial Jazz Collection
(570) 422-3828