Resumes and Cover Letters
Below is information about resumes and cover letters. This quick check list will help to make creating a resume easier.
See an example of a sample resume.
What Should be Included in a Resume?
Basic Information
- Full Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- What are you looking for in a job?
- Education
- Highest level of education
- Name of school with address
- Degree
- Relevant courses (optional)
- List of jobs held (starting from most recent to least recent)
- Title of position
- Name and address of employer
- Dates of employment
- Responsibilities/Duties
Software Expertise/Special Skills
- Include any experience with specific computer programs or other expertise.
(Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat, etc.)
- Extracurricular Activities, Leadership Roles, Community Service
What is the Purpose of a Cover Letter?
To summarize your work experiences and show how you can incorporate those experiences in your desired position.
A Cover Letter Answers
- Why would you be best for the position?
- What could you offer to the company?
- Why are you interested in this particular company?
- What positions have you held that makes you qualified to work with our company?
A Cover Letter Should Include
- An opening paragraph that summarizes education, work experience, and reasoning for application
- Single-spaced paragraphs and left alignment
- Specific experiences and roles held that can relate to the desired position
- Quality traits that make you stand out as an individual and a good candidate for the job
- A concluding statement with “Thank You” and a means of contact (phone number, email)
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Writing Studio, Kemp Library
- Title of Department Leader
- Director, Writing Studio
- Name
- Sandra Eckard
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3593