Below is information about resumes and cover letters. This quick check list will help to make creating a resume easier.

See an example of a sample resume.

What Should be Included in a Resume?

Basic Information



Software Expertise/Special Skills

  • Include any experience with specific computer programs or other expertise.
    (Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat, etc.)


  • Extracurricular Activities, Leadership Roles, Community Service

What is the Purpose of a Cover Letter?

To summarize your work experiences and show how you can incorporate those experiences in your desired position.

A Cover Letter Answers

  • Why would you be best for the position?
  • What could you offer to the company?
  • Why are you interested in this particular company?
  • What positions have you held that makes you qualified to work with our company?

A Cover Letter Should Include

  • An opening paragraph that summarizes education, work experience, and reasoning for application
  • Single-spaced paragraphs and left alignment
  • Specific experiences and roles held that can relate to the desired position
  • Quality traits that make you stand out as an individual and a good candidate for the job
  • A concluding statement with “Thank You” and a means of contact (phone number, email)

Contact Us

Have more questions? Visit the Writing Studio, and we’ll be happy to help!

Contact Information

Campus Address
Writing Studio, Kemp Library
Title of Department Leader
Director, Writing Studio
Sandra Eckard
(570) 422-3593