WARRIORfish is a support and connection resource that students can use to easily communicate with their own personal Success Network and other campus resources, get reminders and alerts about how they're doing, and make appointments. While the system is very user-friendly, students are welcome to utilize any of the resources on this page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are we using WARRIORfish?
We want you to succeed at ESU! WARRIORfish makes connecting with you easier and helps provide you with all the resources to promote your success.
What should I do if I get a flag?
Read the flag notification thoroughly and take action early. Remember that a flag does not mean you are in trouble- It is an early warning alert to you so that you can resolve any future issues while there is still time to do so. A meeting or email with your academic advisor or instructor may be needed to help get you back on track.
Who can see my flags and kudos?
Your Student Success Network can view academic-related items. Your Success Network is comprised of your instructors, advisors, and other faculty and staff that you might have a connection to such as Veteran's Services. These individuals are visible on your Dashboard upon logging into WARRIORfish. Remember that WARRIORfish is FERPA-compliant and your data is secure.
What should I do if I get a kudo?
Congratulate yourself and celebrate! Keep up the good work.
Who do I contact if I have problems with WARRIORfish?
Email warriorfish@esu.edu or call Mary Amador at (570) 422-3285.

Contact Us

Please contact Joseline Kraemer to share feedback or with any questions about WarriorFish.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Science & Technology Center 234
(570) 422-3906
Title of Department Leader
Director of Institutional Research
Joseline Kraemer