Call for Submissions
Extended Deadline: Thursday, April  4th at 4:00PM


  • All undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students are eligible to submit research and creative display projects related to their coursework, internship or student engagement initiatives.
  • Projects prepared by more than one student qualify and are encouraged.
  • Standard quantitative and qualitative research projects qualify.
  • Scholarly and entrepreneurial activity from any field are eligible for submission.
  • Works in progress can be submitted.

Joint Faculty/Student Projects

  • The focus of the symposium is student work, however, student-faculty collaborative projects are eligible, provided the student significantly contributed to the entire research process.
  • Significant Contribution includes, but not limited to, assisting with the formulation of the research problem, development of the study design, participating in data collection and analysis, synthesis of the results, conclusions, discussion and the final written report/presentation.

Submission Process

  • The submission must come from a student, however, the student is required to list the sponsoring faculty member or program director/advisor.
  • The submission portal will remain open until Thursday, April 4th at 4:00 p.m..
  • All submissions must include a 100 word abstract.
  • Submission Form

Eligible Formats

  • Posters
    • Students are encouraged to present their work on academic-style posters.
    • The display units for posters are 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide. If you have not already created the poster, we ask that you do not exceed 3 feet in width if landscape (horizontal) oriented or 5 feet in height if portrait (vertical) oriented.
    • If you have already created a poster that exceeds these dimensions (for example, to meet dimensional criteria of a conference, competition or class), please email with the dimensions to see how we can accommodate your poster.
    • A limited number of easels will be available for posters already mounted on foam board.
    • Limited space is available for tabletop displays that require access to an electrical outlet or tri-fold displays, please forward any specific space needs to
    • Other formats? We are interested in exploring ways to accommodate innovative projects, please contact to discuss your project and how we can showcase your work.
  • Oral Presentations
    • PowerPoint/Prezi-style presentations will take place in classrooms at scheduled times. Each classroom will be limited to 4 presentations per hour.
    • Each presentation should be limited to 15 minutes, 10 minutes for the presentation with an additional 5 minutes for discussion and questions.
  • All undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students are eligible to submit research and creative display projects related to their coursework, internship or student engagement initiatives.
  • Projects prepared by more than one student qualify and are encouraged.
  • Standard quantitative and qualitative research projects qualify.
  • Scholarly and entrepreneurial activity from any field are eligible for submission.
  • Works in progress can be submitted.

Joint Faculty/Student Projects

  • The focus of the symposium is student work, however, student-faculty collaborative projects are eligible, provided the student significantly contributed to the entire research process.
  • Significant Contribution includes, but not limited to, assisting with the formulation of the research problem, development of the study design, participating in data collection and analysis, synthesis of the results, conclusions, discussion and the final written report/presentation.

Submission Process

  • The submission must come from a student, however, the student is required to list the sponsoring faculty member or program director/advisor.
  • The submission portal will remain open until Thursday, April 4th at 4:00 p.m..
  • All submissions must include a 100 word abstract.
  • Submission Form

Eligible Formats

  • Posters
    • Students are encouraged to present their work on academic-style posters.
    • The display units for posters are 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide. If you have not already created the poster, we ask that you do not exceed 3 feet in width if landscape (horizontal) oriented or 5 feet in height if portrait (vertical) oriented.
    • If you have already created a poster that exceeds these dimensions (for example, to meet dimensional criteria of a conference, competition or class), please email with the dimensions to see how we can accommodate your poster.
    • A limited number of easels will be available for posters already mounted on foam board.
    • Limited space is available for tabletop displays that require access to an electrical outlet or tri-fold displays, please forward any specific space needs to
    • Other formats? We are interested in exploring ways to accommodate innovative projects, please contact to discuss your project and how we can showcase your work.
  • Oral Presentations
    • PowerPoint/Prezi-style presentations will take place in classrooms at scheduled times. Each classroom will be limited to 4 presentations per hour.
    • Each presentation should be limited to 15 minutes, 10 minutes for the presentation with an additional 5 minutes for discussion and questions.

Contact Us

For additional information on presentation requirements, including oral presentations, please refer to the detailed Call for Submissions

Contact Information

Campus Address
Reibman Administration Building
(570) 422-3890
Title of Department Leader
Associate Director Department Graduate & Extended Studies
Kevin Quintero