Sport Management faculty members are experienced, academically qualified, industry-connected, and dedicated to students’ professional development.
- Name
- Jaedeock Lee
- Title
- Professor of Sport Management, Department Chair, Graduate Coordinator & Internship Coordinator
B.A., 2003, Yonsei University
M.S., 2005, Yonsei University
Ph.D., 2009, Texas A&M University
- jaedeock@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570 422-3340
- Campus Address
- Zimbar-Liljenstein Hall 226
Dr. Jaedeock Lee teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses including sport finance, sport marketing, and serves as a Department Chair of Sport Management program. His research interests lie in cause-related sport marketing practices, corporate social responsibility of sport organizations and its impact on sport consumers, and revenue generations for sport organizations. He has published research articles at Sport Management Review, Sport Marketing Quarterly, and International Journal of Sport Management.
Teaching Interest
Sport Marketing
Sport Finance
Research Interest
Cause-related Sport Marketing practices; Corporate Social Responsibility of sport organizations and its impact on sport consumers; Revenue generations for sport organizations.
Publications Selected
Lee, J., & Fleischman, R. P. (2017). Corporate social responsibility strategies for Korean professional sport leagues. Sport in Korea: History, Development, and Management. New York, NY: Routledge.
Kang, C., Lee, J., & Bennett, G.(2014). Comparing motives attending intercollegiate football games between Asian international and American students. International Journal of Sport Management, 15(3), 286-310.
Lee, J., & Ferreira, M. (2013). The role of fan and cause organizational identification in the success of cause-related sport marketing. Sport Management Review, 16, 161-172.
Lee, J., & Ferreira, M. (2011). Cause-related marketing: The role of team identification in consumer choice of team licensed products. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 20, 157-169.
Bennett, G., Ferreira, M., & Lee, J. (2009). The role of involvement in sports and sport spectatorship in sponsor’s brand use: The case of Mountain Dew and action sports sponsorship. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 18, 14-24.
Presentations Selected
Lee, M. K., Lee. J., Zhou, X., Arner, E., & Pedersen, P. M. (2019). The effects of dramatic sports programming and congruence on television advertising effectiveness: An examination of emotional and cognitive priming effects using psycho-physiological approaches. Poster accepted to be presented at the annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), New Orleans, LA.
Vogt, V. I., Lee, M. K., & Lee, J. (2019). The effect of fan passion on sport consumer behavior in the minor league context. Poster accepted to be presented at the annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), New Orleans, LA.
Arner, E., & Lee, J. (2019). Experiential learning in organizing sporting events – Special Olympics and Campus Recreation. Presented at the annual conference of the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA), Atlanta, GA.
Hong, Z., Lee, J., & Chiang, L. (2017, May). An empirical study of different sport sponsorship types and its effect on brand equity: A Chinese Basketball Association case study. Paper presented at the annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Denver, CO.
Procopio, A., Kim, M., & Lee, J. (2017, May). Do people in high-risk occupations seek high-risk sports? An ethnographic approach to explaining participation in skydiving. Paper presented at the annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Denver, CO.
Lee, J., & Chiang, L. (2016, July). Exploring Environmental Sustainability in the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) Tracks. Poster presented at the Global Hospitality, Tourism Marketing, & Management Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Joo, S., Fink, J., & Lee, J. (2015, June). Exploring corporate social responsibility practices in professional sports in South Korea. Paper presented at the annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Lee, J., Parker, P. & Arner, E. (2015, Feb). Assessing the sport management internship: Are student learning outcome being met? Presented at the annual conference of the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA), Philadelphia, PA.
- Name
- Xiaochen Zhou
- Title
- Assistant Professor of Sport Management
B.A., 2012, Beijing Sport University
M.A., 2014, University of Michigan
Ph.D., 2018, Temple University
- xzhou@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3874
- Campus Address
- Zimbar-Liljenstein Hall 236
Dr. Xiaochen Zhou joined ESU in Fall 2018. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses such as Foundations of Sport Management, Psychosocial aspect of Sport, and Contemporary Sports. Dr. Zhou's research interests include sport marketing and consumer behavior.
Teaching Interest
Dr. Zhou teach introductory level sport management courses (Foundations of Sport Management, Psychosocial Aspects of Activity) to help students lay a solid foundation for advanced course works. She also teaches senior level class such as Contemporary Sport Management to let students address industry problems through research and critical thinking.
Research Interest
Dr. Zhou's research agenda focuses on the marketing of sport apparel brands. She is also interested in investigating the role of sport in bridging cultural gaps.
Sport Management Department evaluation committee (SMEC)
Pocono Raceway College Tour Organizing Committee
Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) SMGT Committee
Publications & Presentations
Zhou, X., Hanlon, C., Robertson, J., Spaaij, R., Westerbeek, H., Hossack, A., & Funk, D. C. (2018). Dress for fit: An exploration of female activewear consumption. Sport Management Review, 21(4), 403-415.
Baker, B. J., Zhou, X., Pizzo, A. D., Du, J., & Funk, D. C. (2017). Collaborative self-study: Lessons from a study of wearable fitness technology and physical activity. Sport Management Review, 20(1), 114-127.
Peer-reviewed conference presentations:
Zhou, X., Pizzo. A., & Funk, D. C. (accepted). College sport as a vehicle for university identity: an international student perspective. the North American Society for Sport Management, New Orleans, LA.
Lee, M. K., Lee, J., Zhou, X., Arner, E. J., & Pedersen, P. M. (accepted). The effects of dramatic sports programming and congruence on television advertising effectiveness: An examination of emotional and cognitive priming effects using psycho-physiological approaches. the North American Society for Sport Management, New Orleans, LA.
Jackson, D., Lee, M. K., & Zhou, X. (accepted). Single vs. multiple signage: Applying limited capacity message processing to fans’ s recognition and recall of in-stadium advertising. the North American Society for Sport Management, New Orleans, LA.
Zhou, X., Hanlon, C., Westerbeek, H., Spaaij, R., & Funk, D. (2018). Activewear brand associations structure: A comparison across contexts. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, Halifax, Canada
Zhou, X., Hanlon, C., Robertson, J., Westerbeek, H., Spaaij, R., & Funk, D. (2017). An exploration of brand associations of female activewear consumers. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, Denver, CO.
Zhou, X., & Funk, D. (2016). The role of emotion in impulse buying of sport team-licensed merchandise. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, Orlando, FL.
Zhou, X., & Kwak, D. (2014). Sport consumer response to negative publicity: The moderating effect of publicity type and commitment level. Poster presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Name
- Edward J. Arner
- Title
- Assistant Professor of Sport Management
B.S., 2006, East Stroudsburg University
M.S., 2009, East Stroudsburg University
Ed.D., 2023, East Stroudsburg University
- earner1@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3496
- Campus Address
- Zimbar-Liljenstein Hall 242
Dr. Arner brings practical workplace knowledge to the classroom and an understanding of professional expectations within the sports industry. As a teacher, his objective is to provide a learning experience through which all students are given the opportunity to be successful and find their voice.
Teaching Interest
- Event Planning and Management of Sport Activities
- Sport Leadership and Ethical Decision Making
- Sport History
- Sport Law
- Sport Sales
- Professional Development
- Governance in Sport
- Theories/Techniques of Coaching
Research Interest
Dr. Arner's research interest focuses on experiential learning and curriculum development with an emphasis on occupational preparedness and student satisfaction.
Student Group Advising
Sport Management Club Advisor
Publications & Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Publication
Lee, M. K., Tuchman, D., & Arner, E. J. (2022), Single vs. multiple signage: applying
limited capacity message processing to fan’s recognition and recall of in-stadium
advertising, International Journal of Human Movement Science, 16(1), 19-28. https://doi.org/10.23949/ijhms.2022.
Cason, D., Minkyo Lee, Jaedeock Lee, In-Sung Yeo, & Arner, E. J. (2020). The Impact
of Legalization of Sports Gambling: How Motivation, Fandom, and Gender Influence Sport-Related
Consumption. International Journal of Sport Communication, 13(4), 643–654. https://doi.org/10.1123/ijsc.2020-0022.
Conference Presentations
Palladino, A., Eric Garner, E., Lee, M. K., Zhou, X., Arner, E. J., and Lee, J. (2022).
The Role of Mascot Design and Logo in Olympic Marketing. Abstract accepted to be presented
at the annual North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Conference, Atlanta,
Rigg, E., Thompson, C., Blackwell, D., Lee, M.K., Lee, J., Arner, E.J., and Zhou,
X., (2022). Examining the persuasive impacts of emotional and rational appeals on
athletic donor behavior. Abstract accepted to be presented at the annual North American
Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Kozak, N., Lee, M.K., Steele, S., Zhou, X., Lee, J., and Arner, E. J. (2022) Building
Brand Image through Sponsorship: Comparing Image Transfer Effects of eSport and Sport
Event. Abstract accepted to be presented at the annual North American Society for
Sport Management (NASSM) Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Arner, E. J., & Lee, J. (2020). Filling the Gaps of Project-based Learning with Professional
Engagement: Sport, Career, Opportunities, Recruitment, and Employment & Warrior Wake-Up.
Presented at the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) annual conference,
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Lee, M. K., Lee. J., Zhou, X., Arner, E. J., & Pedersen, P. M. (2019, May). The effects
of dramatic sports programming and congruence on television advertising effectiveness:
An examination of emotional and cognitive priming effects using psycho-physiological
approaches. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) annual
conference, New Orleans, LA.
Arner, E. J., & Lee, J. (2019, Feb). Experiential learning in organizing sporting
events – Special Olympics and Campus Recreation. Presented at the Commission on Sport
Management Accreditation (COSMA) annual conference, Georgia State University, Atlanta,
Joeng, M., Arner, E. J., & Kim, M. (2017, June). Parental Support for Children with
Disabilities: Special Olympics. Poster presentation at the North American Society
for Sport Management (NASSM) Conference; Denver, CO.
Lee, J., Parker, P. & Arner, E. J. (2015, Feb). Assessing the sport management internship:
Are student learning outcomes being met? Presented at the Commission on Sport Management
Accreditation (COSMA) annual conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Arner, E. J. (2014, May) Demonstration of Sport as a Social Construct in the United
States Military. The Teaching and Learning Fair at the North American Society for
Sport Management (NASSM) Conference; Pittsburgh, PA.
Arner, E. (2008, March). Leadership in Sport: Coaching a team versus the individual.
Presented at a sport and exercise psychology forum at Marywood University, Scranton,
- Name
- Dennis C. Douds
- Title
- Assistant Professor of Sport Management
B.S., 1963, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
M.S., 1966, West Virginia University
- dennydouds@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-5511
- Campus Address
- Alumni Center
Professor Denny Douds has taught Principles of Coaching for more than 40 years at ESU. After his retirement as a head coach of football, he works with ESU Foundations, as well as teaching a course in Sport Management Department.
Teaching Interest
Principles of Coaching
Research Interest
Our ESU Football was the top Team in the PSAC last year with the greatest number service hours.
Involved with the following organizations:
Salvation Army Red Kettle (Start this event with all Football Players in Monroe County), Big Brother/Big Sister, Breakfast with the Warriors (Start this event) Be the Match, Special Olympics Received 3 Awards for Community Service.
Student Group Advising
Football Team
Publications & Presentations
Give over 600-700 speeches on the local, state and national level on Football, Leadership, Organization and Going to College.
- Name
- Kyle Brannigan
- Title
- Assistant Professor of Sport Management
B.A., 2014, Saint Leo University
M.A., 2017, University of Miami
Ph.D., University of Northern Colorado
- kbranniga2@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3316
- Campus Address
- Zimbar-Liljenstein Hall 227
Kyle Brannigan is currently an Assistant Professor of Sport Management at East Stroudsburg University. He has a Bachelor's in Sport Business from Saint Leo University, a Master's in Sport Education and Business from the University of Miami, and a Ph.D. in Sport Administration from the University of Northern Colorado. His dissertation focused on outsourcing tickets sales in collegiate athletics. Before becoming a professor in sport management, he worked in the field for various organizations such as the NFL, NCAA, and many others including the Aspire Group.
During his time with the Aspire Group, Kyle helped generate ticket revenue and garnish donations for Army West Point Athletics. Kyle still consults with multiple sport organizations to stay involved and continue to grow his network. Kyle is now dedicated to educating and helping break people into the sport business industry while continuing to create new and useful knowledge for Parkside students and sport organizations around the world.
Teaching Interest
An educator and researcher with a passion for helping students break into the industry! My enthusiasm for teaching has derived from the professional relationships I have created with my mentors, which is the driving force behind my desire to help young professionals excel toward successful careers. The ultimate goal for my students is for them to acquire industry knowledge and gainful employment while also developing a strong, well-connected network. I enjoy teaching the business side of sports like sport sales, fundraising, and marketing!
Research Interest
My research focus is on revenue generation, ticket sales, and sport marketing. My goals as a researcher are to collaborate, present and conduct research that will be beneficial to the sport management field.
Publications & Presentations
Stensland, P.J., Brannigan, K.J., Bass, J.R. (2024). “Smile and Dial” The impact of
emotional labor on athletics ticket sales employees. International Journal of Sport
Psychology, 55(2), 191-217. doi:10.7352/IJSP.2024.55.191
Schwarz, E. C., Brannigan, K. J., Cattani, K. P., & Hunter, J. D. (2022). Advanced
theory and practice in sport marketing. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Martyn, J., Brannigan, K.J., Oja, B.D., & Zvosec, C.C. (2021). A look at sport management
doctoral programs and the organizational environment with person-environment fit theory.
Sport Management Education Journal (15)2.
Brannigan, K.J. & Morse A.L. (2020). An empirical investigation of the variables influencing
contributions in NCAA division I athletics: A quantitative analysis. The Sport Journal
Book Contributions
Brannigan, K.J., Schwarz, E.C., & Hunter, J.D. Advanced Theory and Practice in Sport
Marketing, Routledge; 3rd edition (December 19, 2017)
Faculty Emeritus
Frank M. Pullo (1976, 1993)
Distinguished Professor of Sport Management
B.S., 1973, East Stroudsburg University
M.Ed., 1974, East Stroudsburg University
Ed.D., 1989, Temple University
Jerome W. Sheska (1988, 1996)
Associate Professor of Sport Management
B.S., 1968, East Stroudsburg University
M.Ed., 1981, East Stroudsburg University
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Zimbar-Liljenstein Hall
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3495
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3824 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Department Chair, Sport Management
- Name
- Jaedeock Lee
- E:
- jaedeock@esu.edu
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3340