- Name
- Marianne Cutler, Ph.D.
- Title
- Associate Professor of Sociology, Co-Department Chair
B.A., 1985, Boston University, Psychology
M.Ed., 1990, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Social Justice Education/Organizational
M.A., 1998, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Sociology
Ph.D., 2003, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Sociology
- mcutler@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3810
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 404 A
Dr. Cutler’s teaching interests include Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality, Religion, and Theory. Her Research Interests include Social Inequality, Jewish American life and culture, Lesbian mothers, Social Movements, the intersection of collective and individual identity.
Teaching Interests:
Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality, Religion, Theory
Research Interests:
Social Inequality, Jewish American life and culture, Lesbian mothers, Social Movements,
the intersection of collective and individual identity. Her Ph.D. dissertation title
is Constructing Jewish Identity in a Southern Community, and Master thesis title is
Penetrating Discourse: Gender and the Rhetoric of Legitimation in The Ladder Magazine
for Lesbians.
Personal Interests: Travel anywhere and everywhere she can! Also seriously into listening
to alternative music, reading novels, and trying to figure out how to play the drums.
- Name
- Chin Hu, Ph.D.
- Title
- Professor of Sociology, Co-Department Chair
B.A., 1990, National Taiwan University, Sociology
M.A., 1997, Syracuse University, Sociology
M.S., 1998, Syracuse University, Applied Statistics
Ph.D., 1999, Syracuse University, Sociology
- chu@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3369
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 101 D
Dr. Hu’s teaching interests include Quantitative Analysis, Research Methods, Globalization, Comparison of Societies, Race and Ethnicity, and Chinese Culture and Society. Her research interests focus on immigrant society and global education.
Dr. Chin Hu began teaching at ESU in 2006. Her teaching interests include Globalization, Comparison of Societies, Race and Cultural Minorities and Chinese Culture and Society. She is trained as a quantitative researcher and has taught the core requirement courses in Quantitative Analysis and Research Methods for all three major programs in the department.
Her research interests focus on immigrant society and global education. Collaborating with colleagues in the department, she has published and presented work on Muslim immigrants living in the tri-state area, global education curriculum in higher education and community needs assessment research. Her doctoral dissertation examined third-wave democratization process in new democracies, with as focus on Taiwan.
- Name
- Hooshang Pazaki, Ph.D.
- Title
- Professor of Sociology
B.S., University of Esfahan, Business Administration; minor in Statistics
M.S., University of Missouri-Columbia, Community Development (International Development)
Ph.D., 1992, University of Missouri-Columbia, Sociology (Social Change and Development,
Political Sociology)
- shpazaki@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3281
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 310 A
Dr. Pazaki’s teaching interests include Introduction to Cultural Diversity, Research Methods, Sociological Theory, Culture and Society in the Middle East, Race & Ethnicity and Social Problems. His research interests have focused on social change, political sociology, Muslim immigrants, cultural diversity in the United States and sociological pedagogies.
Dr. S. Hooshang Pazaki began teaching at East Stroudsburg University in Fall of 2005. His main areas of teaching are Introduction to Cultural Diversity, Research Methods, Sociological Theory, Culture and Society in the Middle East, Race & Ethnicity and Social Problems. His research interests have focused on social change, political sociology, Muslim immigrants, cultural diversity in the United States and sociological pedagogies. His doctoral dissertation title is Debt Dependency and Its Impact on the State and Social Welfare in Developing Societies: A Cross-National Study. Dr. Pazaki regularly presents and publishes scholarly papers in these areas. During his tenure he has been actively involved in various university-wide initiatives.
- Name
- John Kraybill-Greggo, Ph.D., M.S.W., L.S.W., A.C.S.W.
- Title
- Professor of Social Work, Director of BSSW Program
B.S.W., 1984, Mansfield University
M.S.W.,1986, Marywood College
Ph.D., 2004, Rutgers University
- jkgreggo@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3844
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 101 C
Dr. Kraybill-Greggo’s teaching interests include Foundations of Social Work Practice, Social Work Practice & Skills, Field Seminar, Social Work with Groups, and Social Welfare Policy. His current research interests are related to the nonprofit sector, community needs assessment, and poverty.
Dr. John Kraybill-Greggo began teaching at ESU in 2004. His teaching areas include Foundations of Social Work Practice; Social Work Practice and Skills I & II; Social Work Field Seminar; Social Work with Groups; and Social Welfare Policy, all of which are required courses for social work majors.
During his career, he has worked in a variety of behavioral health, medical social work, and university settings. His past agency-based social work roles have included practitioner, supervisor and agency administrator. His current primary research interests are related to the nonprofit sector, community needs assessment, and poverty. He has frequently collaborated with department and university colleagues on research projects in these areas.
- Name
- Laurene Clossey, Ph.D., M.S.W., L.C.S.W., A.C.S.W.
- Title
- Professor of Social Work
B.S.W., 1985, Western Connecticut State University
M.S.W., 1988, Columbia University
Ph.D., 2004, Bryn Mawr College
- lclossey@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3955
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 308
Dr. Clossey’s teaching interests include Contemporary Social Work Practice, Introduction to Social Welfare Policy, and Social Work with Communities and Organizations. Her research interests focus on the Mental Health Recovery Model, effective Recovery Model implementation and programming, and also studying evidence-based mental health practices.
Dr. Laurene Clossey began teaching at ESU in 2007. She has taught: Introduction to Social Work, Marriage and Family, Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Helping Philosophies, Child Welfare, Contemporary Social Work Practice, Introduction to Social Welfare Policy, and Social Work with Communities and Organizations.
She has worked in the field of mental health since first receiving her bachelor’s degree. Her research interests focus on the Mental Health Recovery Model, effective Recovery Model implementation and programming, and also studying evidence based mental health practices. She enjoys sharing her interest in this field with students and trying to engage students in understanding the coercive care endured by mental health consumers. Through research and teaching in this area, she hopes to contribute to decreasing stigma against the mentally ill.
She also practices in addition to her full time teaching and research at ESU. She is active in her field and brings current knowledge to the classroom. Her private practice integrates spirituality into clinical social work practice.
- Name
- Michelle D. DiLauro, Ph.D., M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
- Title
- Associate Professor of Social Work, Director of Social Work Field Education
B.A., 1991, Rutgers College, English; minor in Economics
M.S.W., 1995, Fordham University, Graduate School of Social Service (Administration
and Clinical Practice)
Ph.D., 2001, Fordham University, Graduate School of Social Service (Mental Health)
- mdilauro1@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3814
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 419 A
Dr. DiLauro’s teaching interests include Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Social Work with Individuals and Families, Social Work Practice & Skills, and Field Seminar. Her current research interests are related to integrative healthcare models and education for the Social Work Profession and utilization of complementary and alternative medicine practices among mental health consumers.
Dr. Michelle D. DiLauro began teaching at ESU in 2015. Her teaching areas include Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Social Work with Individuals and Families, Social Work Practice and Skills I & II, Medical Social Work Interventions, and Social Work Field Seminar.
She has over 25 years in the field and has taught social work, human service, and psychology courses at the associate through master’s degree levels.
Before her academic career she worked as a medical social worker serving both inpatient and ambulatory clinic adult and pediatric patients. She participated in the delivery of mind-body programs to the clinic population and community to enhance health and well-being. She currently serves at the Director of Field Education for the Social Work program and is an approved NASW clinical supervisor for the professional social work community.
Her primary research interests are related to integrative healthcare practices, stress management, and spirituality.
- Name
- Hanif M. Bey, D.S.W., M.S.W., L.S.W.
- Title
- Assistant Professor of Social Work
B.A., 1989, St. John’s University, Sociology
M.S.W., 2009, Marywood University
D.S.W., 2018, Kutztown-Millersville Universities
- hbey2@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3675
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 407 E
Dr. Hanif Bey, DSW, MSW, LSW, is a licensed social worker with a Doctor of Social Work degree from the joint program at Kutztown-Millersville University and a Master of Social Work degree from Marywood University. Dr. Bey has been working in the field for over 30 years in medical social work, child welfare and other practice settings. Currently, he is an assistant professor of social work at East Stroudsburg University in the Department of Sociology, Social Work, & Criminal Justice. From 2021 to 2023, Dr. Bey also served as a Frederick Douglass Scholar at ESU. Dr. Bey’s research interests and passions are dismantling white supremacy and racism, social and economic justice, and social work education.
Teaching Interests:
Human Behavior & the Social Environment, Helping Philosophies & Methods for Social Workers, Child Welfare Services, Introduction to Social Welfare Policy, Crisis Intervention, Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice, Social Work with Groups
Research Interests:
His doctoral dissertation, Exploring the Role of United States Legal Discourse in Creating, Sustaining, and Disrupting Vestiges of Slavery," was an exploratory study that proposed the use of the racialized names "negro," "colored," "black," and "white" represented vestiges of slavery that were socially and legally constructed, maintained, and perpetuated to validate a superior position for descendants of Europe in the United States, while assigning an inferior status to descendants of Africa in the United States.
Personal Interests:
Cooking, Music, & Reading
- Name
- Darla Drummond, Ph.D.
- Title
- Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A., 2007, Youngstown State University, Psychology, minor in Criminal Behavior
M.A., 2008, Marymount University, Forensic Psychology
Ph.D., 2015, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Criminology
- ddrummond1@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3745
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 310 B
Dr. Drummond’s teaching interests include Introduction to Criminal Justice, Criminology, Juvenile Delinquency, and Senior Seminar. Her research interests include deviance/crime on college campuses, parenting and delinquency, fear of victimization, and theory testing.
Dr. Darla Drummond began teaching at ESU in 2015. Her teaching interests include Introduction to Criminal Justice, Criminology, Juvenile Delinquency, and Senior Seminar. Her research interests include deviance/crime on college campuses, parenting and delinquency, fear of victimization, and theory testing. She has published and presented work on theory testing, crime on college campuses, issues within the criminal justice system, and rehabilitation techniques, among other topics.
Her doctoral dissertation was a test of General Strain Theory with first semester freshmen students at two universities, a residential campus and a commuter campus. This research examined the levels of strain that students experienced and how they chose to cope with those strains (i.e. pro-socially or through substance abuse/academic dishonesty).
- Name
- Carrie Maloney, Ph.D.
- Title
- Professor of Criminal Justice, Director of Criminal Justice Program
B.A., 2001, Pennsylvania State University, Administration of Justice
B.A., 2001, Pennsylvania State University, Sociology
M.A., 2005, Rutgers University, Criminal Justice
Ph.D., 2013, Rutgers University, Criminal Justice
- cmaloney5@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3448
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 414 A
Dr. Maloney’s teaching interests include Introduction to Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice Ethics, Criminology, Research Methods, and Senior Seminar. Her primary area of research and expertise is risk-assessment and classification in juvenile justice.
Dr. Carrie Maloney has worked for several criminal and juvenile justice agencies, primary among them the New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission. Her primary area of research and expertise is risk-assessment and classification in juvenile justice. Much of her work focuses on accountability of justice system practitioners, as well as the identification of best practices in the implementation of evidence-based practice in juvenile justice settings. She maintains an ongoing collaborative relationship with the PA Juvenile Court Judges Commission, the PA Juvenile Justice Research and Training Center, as well as the PA Juvenile Probation Chief's Association in their efforts to implement evidence-based juvenile justice system reform across the state.
She has taught a variety of courses here at ESU, including Introduction to Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice Ethics, Criminology, Research Methods, and the senior seminar course - covering topics such as the Sociology of Gangs and Capital Punishment.
- Name
- Richard A. Ruck Jr., Ed.D.
- Title
- Instructor of Criminal Justice
A.S., 1993, New Hampshire Technical Institute
B.S., 2001, Chadwick University
M.S., 2007, California University of Pennsylvania
M.S., 2013, California University of Pennsylvania
Ed.D., 2017, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
- rruck@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3192
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 407 D
Dr. Ruck’s teaching interests include Community Policing; Police Leadership, Recruitment, and Training; and Intelligence/data driven law enforcement operations. His research interests include police arrest decision-making; law enforcement in K-12 public schools; and domestic violence responses by law enforcement in rural and tribal regions.
Teaching Interests:
Community Policing/Partnerships and Problem Solving, Police Leadership, Recruitment, and Training, Intelligence/data driven law enforcement operations, Post 911 policing , Police function, role, and culture in a democratic society.
Research Interests:
Police arrest decision-making/ Law enforcement in K-12 public schools/ Domestic violence responses by police/ Law enforcement in rural and tribal regions. Professor Richard Ruck is currently an ABD (Doctor of Education) at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, Administration and Leadership Studies.
- Name
- Vertel Martin, M.S.
- Title
- Instructor of Criminal Justice
A.S., John Jay College of Criminal Justice
B.S., John Jay College of Criminal Justice
M.S., New York Institute of Technology
45-Post Graduate Credits-Columbia University
6-Post Graduate Credits-University of Virginia
- vmartin@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3967
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 407A
Professor Martin’s interests focus on teaching the next generation of security & criminal justice practitioners’ critical thinking & related applied skills in crime analysis, investigations and police-community relations.
Professor Vertel Martin retired from the New York City Police Department at the rank of Lieutenant-Commander Detective Squad in February 2002 after completing 22 years of law enforcement service, and last served as the Investigative Coordinator of the “9-11-01 NYPD Missing Persons Task Force.” She is a graduate of the FBI National Academy. She also completed 45 post graduate credits at Columbia University’s Teachers College. In 2002, she began teaching part time at ESU, and has been the Co-Coordinator of Criminal Justice Program at Northampton Community College since 2006.
Her interests focus on teaching the next generation of security & criminal justice practitioners critical thinking & related applied skills in crime analysis, investigations, and police-community relations. She has published articles in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, and in the National Law Enforcement Encyclopedia.
- Name
- Jeffrey Rosky, Ph.D.
- Title
- Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A., 1990, Rutgers University
M.S., 1998, University of Colorado
Ph.D., 2010, Washington State University
- jrosky@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3452
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 310 C
Dr. Rosky’s teaching interests include policing, quantitative methods and correctional treatment. His main research interests include the intersection of criminal justice and public health, correctional treatment and reentry, and improving social science research methods.
Teaching Interests:
Dr. Jeff Rosky began teaching at ESU in 2017. His teaching areas include policing, quantitative methods and correctional treatment. His main research interests include the intersection of criminal justice and public health, correctional treatment and reentry, and improving social science research methods.
Research Interests:
Prior to Dr. Rosky’s academic career, he worked as a researcher in the Montana, Colorado and Florida state correctional systems and as a biostatistician in environmental science, public health, and cardiac care. His work has appeared in Criminology & Public Policy, Deviant Behavior, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, and Sexual Abuse. His doctoral dissertation examined the interaction between cumulative risk, protection, and self-control to predict resilience from deviant outcomes in a longitudinal sample of youth.
- Name
- Gerard LaSalle, Ph.D.
- Title
- Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Coordinator of Criminal Justice Internships
Ph.D., City University of New York
- glasalle@esu.edu
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 407 B
Dr. LaSalle serves as the Coordinator of Criminal Justice Internships.
- Name
- Annika Wilcox
- Title
- Assistant Professor
B.S., 2015, James Madison University, Justice Studies
M.S., 2017, North Carolina State University, Sociology
Ph.D., 2021, North Carolina State University, Sociology
- awilcox5@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3963
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 310 E
Dr. Wilcox’s teaching interests include sociology of organizations, jobs and work, community, and DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), in addition to core courses such as introduction to sociology, research methods, and social theory. Her current research examines social inequalities and DEI in work organizations, with particular attention to technology companies and institutions of higher education. Prior to her position at ESU, Dr. Wilcox worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher on the NSF ADVANCE-Catalyst team at the University of Central Florida and as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Wake Forest University.
- Name
- Salimata Lala Fall
- Title
- Assistant Professor of Sociology
B.S., 2019, Louisiana State University
M.S., 2021, Louisiana State University
M.A., 2024, Louisiana State University
Ph.D., 2024, Louisiana State University
- sfall1@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3014
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 301 D
Dr. Salimata Lala is a critical sociologist. She critiques the manifestation of inequalities, recognizes the significance of intersectionality, and examines the pervasiveness of race(ism). Her approach as a contextual researcher underscores the belief that all scholarship must be studied as a function and product of the contexts and cultures in which it exists.
Research Interest
In her current line of research, Dr. Fall applies a critical lens to analyze the social processes among those in interracial Black-white relationships and multiracial families. Specifically, her research is related to three major themes: (1) relationship and family development; (2) stigma and impression management; and (3) a theoretical conceptualization of inequalities and privilege.
Dr. Fall is broadly interested in youth and family studies, with a focus on relationships, parenting, and related youth outcomes. She has worked in several roles servicing children and families including ABA therapy, foster care, and in local schools and nonprofits. Dr. Fall frequently collaborates with faculty, graduate students, local nonprofits, and government organizations in her work. For example, she was part of two grant-funded pilot studies by the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) and the Louisiana Department of Child and Family Services (LDCFS).
Publications & Presentations
Dr. Fall's scholarship has been published in academic journals such as Family Relations and Child and Youth Care Forum. Most recently, Dr. Fall jointly co-authored a forthcoming chapter entitled "Interracial Relationship in the Black Community" in The Routledge International Handbook of Interracial Relationships and Mental Health.
Emeritus Faculty
- Barbara Collins, Ph.D., M.S.W., L.C.S.W., BCD
Professor Emeritus of Social Work
B.A., Kutztown University
M.S.W., Rutgers University
Ph.D., Rutgers University - Ray Muller, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
B.A., University of Massachusetts
M.A., Boston College
Ph.D., Boston College
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Stroud Hall 101 E
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3453
- Title of Department Leader
- Co-Department Chair
- Name
- Dr. Marianne Cutler
- E:
- mcutler@esu.edu
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3810