
- Name
- David Buckley
- Title
- Professor of Physics
B.A., 1981, Rutgers College
M.S., 1983, Pennsylvania State University
Ph.D., 1994, University of Massachusetts
- dbuckley@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3320
- Campus Address
- SciTech 322
I am the resident astronomer in the department of physics. I primarily teach courses in astronomy and astrophysics, but also modern physics and introductory fundamental physics. My previous research was in the evolution of medium mass stars into planetary nebulae. I am currently involved in getting an undergraduate observing program on the photometry of transiting exoplanets up and running.

- Name
- Robert Cohen
- Title
- Professor of Physics, Department Chair
B.S., 1985, Penn State University
M.S., 1988, Drexel University
Ed.M, 1991, Temple University
Ph.D., 1993, Drexel University
- rcohen@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3428
- Campus Address
- SciTech 323
Robert Cohen holds degrees in meteorology, physics and science education, and continues to work in all three areas, overseeing the secondary science education programs at ESU as well as authoring the textbook and laboratory activities used in the two-semester introductory algebra-based physics sequence.
His research is in the structure of winter storms but he is also involved in studying ways to improve physics education and addressing mathematical weaknesses. At ESU he holds the positions of department chair for physics and president for the University Senate, and is the faculty advisor for several student groups
Teaching Interest
Introductory Physics, Science Teacher Education
Research Interest
The structure of winter storms, physics education
President, University Senate
At-large member, Executive Committee, Academic Council of Chairs
Member, College Science Teaching Committee, National Science Teachers Association
Student Group Advising
Jewish Student Organization
Kappa Delta Rho fraternity
Student Chapter of National Science Teachers Association
STEM Living Learning Community
Publications & Presentations
The Fundamentals of Physics, Volume I (Using Laws and Definitions) and Volume II (Using
Models), 1088 pp. total
Guide to Sound, Waves and Light, 173 pp.
An Introduction to the Physics of Weather Prediction, 346 pp.

- Name
- John Elwood
- Title
- Professor of Physics
B.A., 1991, Cornell University
M.S., 1993, California Institute of Technology
Ph.D., 1996, California Institute of Technology
- jelwood@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3408
- Campus Address
- SciTech 331
With a background in chemistry and physics, Dr. Elwood's professional training was in the field of high energy theory (effective field theories and physics beyond the Standard Model). He teaches a wide array of primarily upper division physics courses for majors, and has a particular interest in bringing explorations of fundamental quantum phenomena into the undergraduate laboratory.
Teaching Interest
Nuclear and Particle Physics, Quantum Physics, Electronics and Advanced Laboratories, Statistical Physics, Mathematical Physics, Relativity.
Research Interest
High Energy Theory, Quantum Optics and Quantum Systems in the UG Laboratory, Physics Education Research.
GE, Academic Affairs Strategic Group, SPIRIT, Provost Colloquium Committee, Distinguished Professor Committee.
Student Group Advising
Society of Physics Students, ESU Ultimate Frisbee Club.

- Name
- Jerry Ross
- Title
- Associate Professor of Physics
B.S., 2003, Alma College
B.A., 2003, Alma College
Ph.D., 2011, Michigan Technological University
- jross@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-2214
- Campus Address
- SciTech 321
Hello, I am the director of the ESU jet propulsion laboratory here on campus. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Gessner Science Hall
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3341
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3505 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Department Chair Physics
- Name
- Robert Cohen
- E:
- rcohen@esu.edu
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3428