What does participation in East Stroudsburg University Project Upward Bound cost?
Zero. There's no monetary cost to participate in Upward Bound. It is a free, federally-funded program. The only investment is one of time, commitment, and dedication.
Will I fit in?

If you want to go to college, but don't really know all the steps it'll take to get there, then Upward Bound is for you.

Our current students don't have all the answers either, but they know enough to ask questions in order to get the right answers.

Also, if your grades are good, but can be better, or if they're great but you want a challenge, then you're in the right place.

Plus, our student body is an open, welcoming group of young people.

Unlike in the high schools, where cliques exist and certain students get singled out for being "different" or "nerdy" or "uncool," Upward Bound students vehemently refrain from that type of labeling. They realize they're all working toward the same goal, they support each other and help each other.

Our students adhere to what we refer to as The STAR Policy. STAR, which stands for Setting the Tone for an Atmosphere of Respect, means that all students, faculty and staff are worthy of respect. In short, no one “disses” anyone else, their ideals, dreams, likes or dislikes.

What kinds of classes can I take at Upward Bound?

Upward Bound offers students the opportunity to enroll in classes usually not offered by their home high schools.

In the past, we've offered classes similar to those offered in college such as archeology, drama, photography, contemporary poetry, speech, entomology, math modeling, marine science, cultural geography, and film study.

If you find you have academic areas where you need a little extra assistance, you can enroll in supplemental courses in English and Math that can help you raise your test scores and polish your skills.

What kinds of extracurricular opportunities are available in the summer?

Summer extracurriculars vary depending upon students' needs and interests, but in the past, we've offered opportunities run track, use ESU's weight room and pool, participate in tournaments in pool or ping pong, create a literary magazine, sing in the Upward Bound choir, or act in the Upward Bound drama ensemble.

If you're into board games or movies, whitewater rafting or hiking, basketball or soccer, books and art, you'll have an opportunity to share or explore your interests with others.

How will East Stroudsburg University Project Upward Bound give me an advantage when applying for college?

We will assist you in applying for financial aid and in searching for scholarships. In addition, ESU's Upward Bound pays for three college application fee waivers per student, which would normally cost anywhere from $25.00 – $100.00 each.

Plus, East Stroudsburg University Project Upward Bound awards a few graduating seniors scholarships, due in part to the generosity of the University and several outside donors.

Finally, East Stroudsburg University Project Upward Bound graduates enroll in East Stroudsburg University summer courses and earn up to six credits free of charge. These credits can then be transferred to the student's college of choice, enabling him or her to be ahead of his or her peers in regard to college credit hours.

Who teaches the Upward Bound classes?

Certified high school teachers and college professors teach Upward Bound classes and seminars.

Their expectations are high, but attainable, and they're always available to assist students with both Upward Bound work and homework or projects from the student's high school.

During the summer, who stays in the dorms with the Upward Bound students?

Six Resident Advisers (RA's) and a Resident Director man the dorm.

The residential staff enforce the rules, keep an eye on the students, and also plan evening activities.

They are basically "on call" at all times.

Adult supervision exists on a 24 hour basis when Upward Bound students are in residence during the summer program.

The summer staff consists of one residential director, six resident advisers, six instructors, and three administrative staff.

The administrative staff and residential advisers meet daily to discuss students' academic, social and personal progress.

The instructors provide daily reports on students’ academic progress and classroom interaction.

Male and female students reside on separate floors of the dormitory and are not permitted on opposite gender floors.

Students are also not permitted to be off campus during the summer unless supervised by a Upward Bound staff member or immediate family member/guardian.

Contact Us

For more information about Upward Bound, please call the office at (570) 422-3358

Contact Information

Campus Address
285 Normal Street
(570) 422-3477
(570) 422-3432 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Director Upward Bound
Professor Janine Hyde-Broderick