Camtasia and Snagit

Thanks to ESU's College of Business and Management, we are thrilled to introduce Techsmith's Camtasia and Snagit Tools!

  • Camtasia - Your complete video editing solution
    Whether you make videos for marketing and sales, internal training, customer success, virtual or in-person learning, demos, social media, or pretty much anything else, Camtasia helps you push past your boundaries and break new ground.
  • Snagit - The best snipping tool for Mac and Windows
    With Snagit, you can quickly grab screenshots, record your screen, and add annotations to communicate processes and concepts clearly. Say goodbye to endless meetings and emails.

Learn more at the TechSmith website.

Please fill out this form if you have an interest in either Camtasia or Snagit.

Camtasia Resources:


Zoom Video Communications is the primary Web-Conferencing tool for faculty teaching online and blended courses.

To create your ESU Zoom account if you haven't already, simply login to using your ESU login credentials.

Zoom is great for meeting with students online, holding advising sessions, or meeting with colleagues.

The Zoom platform was built with accessibility and mobility at the forefront.

This means that it adapts to different screen sizes and looks great on laptops, tablets and smartphones.

You'll find it much easier to access meetings, and collaborate with students.

NOTE: Due to the declining Zoom storage, we are advising faculty and staff to begin archiving needed recordings. Link to WalkThrough below labeled Zoom Archiving.

Contact Us

For more information regarding D2L, Course Design or multimedia questions, please contact Devin Feighan.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Stroud Hall 408F
(570) 422-2869
Title of Department Leader
Instructional Support Manager
Devin Feighan