All students encounter challenges when adjusting to university life. Classes and campus
opportunities are different from high school or community college.
For first-generation (the first in their immediate family to attend college) students, the anxiety, fear, and pressure can feel quite intense. ESU understands! ESU is here to help! Be very proud to be the first in your family to attend college and ESU celebrates this achievement with you along your campus journey to graduation. Congratulations!
Are you a First-Generation College Student?
You are a first-generation college student if your parents or guardians have not earned a four-year degree, also known as a bachelor's degree, from a college or university.
What is GenOne?
GenOne is the ESU program that creates initiatives to support its first-generation college students. As of Fall 2023, 36% of ESU students are GenOne. ESU supports over 25 programs targeted to support these students annually.
ESU First-Gen Forward Leader Institution Designation
In 2024, NASPA Awarded East Stroudsburg University with the First Gen Forward Leader Institution Designation. We have a tailored approach to transforming our infrastructure and supports to advance first-generation student success. Utilizing a continuous improvement framework, Network Leaders gain access to diagnostic tools providing critical institutional insight, a host of customized solutions and turnkey toolkits, robust data reporting, and expert guidance throughout the process. This phase of the Network offers institutions the flexibility to shape their knowledge to meet specific needs while aligning with evidence-based outcomes essential for advancing the success of first-generation students.
ESU First-Gen Forward Institution Designation
In 2022, the NASPA Center for First-Generation
Student Success recognized East Stroudsburg University (ESU) as one of 75 higher education
institutions nationally to be named to its First-Gen Forward cohort for its demonstrated
commitment to advancing first-generation student success.
First-gen Forward convenes institutions with a demonstrated commitment to advancing
first-generation student success. Building upon the Network Member year, First-gen
Forward institutions engage in regionally based community meetings, networking sessions,
professional development, and share knowledge as leaders in this important work in
order to cultivate the resources on their individual campuses. Through active engagement
and meeting annual requirements, First-gen Forward institutions maintain status annually.
First Generation Recognition - GenOne Pins
Every ESU GenOne student can receive a free pin to recognize their accomplishment. They are asked to wear it with great pride! You will notice other students, faculty, and staff also wearing their pin proudly throughout the academic year. Know that you share a unique experience with them. When you see someone else wearing their pin, it’s an invitation for a conversation. To obtain a pin, attend a GenOne support program or contact one of the members of the ESU GenOne Coalition.
Support Programs
- GenOne Fellowship Luncheons
During each academic year, ESU hosts monthly gatherings for GenOne students. Each luncheon, with free food provided, focuses on connecting the GenOne community, ensuring that students are connected, and highlighting important services and supports to navigate campus and be successful academically.
At past luncheons topic have featured understanding academic tutoring, building resumes, applying for scholarships, participating in student events, and accessing mental health counseling. To get more information about the GenOne Fellowship Luncheons, Get Connected!
- The Generation One Club
The purpose of this organization is to create and sustain an environment for first-generation college students, create enthusiasm for scholarship, to promote leadership, and to provide support networks for such at East Stroudsburg University.
The club focuses on students being able to be accepted, valued, trusted, and respected, cared for and encouraged to be an active and responsible member of the school community. They shall also help to create a network of support amongst each other as first-generation students. Join the Generation One Club on Warrior Link
- Alpha Alpha Alpha First Generation National Honors Society
The purpose of this organization is to recognize academic achievements in first-generation college students, create enthusiasm for scholarship, to promote leadership, and to provide support networks for first-generation East Stroudsburg University students.
Members and advisors are to support Tri-Alpha in creating and sustaining an environment in which each student is known, accepted, and valued, trusted, and respected, cared for and encouraged to be an active and responsible member of the school community. They shall also help to create a network of support for first-generation students, whether those students are eligible for induction.
- Family Weekend GenOne Experience
First generation and new to ESU students and their families are invited to join ESU for exclusive GenOne sessions to support to aid in their transition and connections to campus.
After the sessions, the attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy all the events prepared for the weekend.
The program requires registration and attendees will receive meals, football tickets, and more. To get more information about the GenOne Fellowship Luncheons, Get Connected!
- First Generation National Celebration Week
GenOne Celebration Week at ESU is held in November, that coincides with National First-Generation College Day on November 8, designed to foster campus connections and a sense of belonging among ESU first-generation students. Throughout the week, ESU will highlight first generation students, faculty, and staff to bring awareness of the GenOne community that is on the campus.
It is a week to celebrate, connect, and empower GenOne students! Other incentives for attending the week's events include drawings and give-a-ways for ESU Warrior and GenOne gear. All the exclusive events are completely free, and several ones that you will need to register for to attend. For information on this year's schedule of events, follow the GenOne Instagram, join the Generation One student organizations, check your email for a personal invitation, or read Warrior Notes.
- College Bound ESU
The College Bound ESU is a free program designed to connect local middle school students from JT Lambert Intermediate School and Stroudsburg Middle School, whose parents did not complete a 4-year college degree, with the resources to be First Generation College Students.
The program is a school day field trip to the ESU campus to visit and learn about different academic departments and college life.
The program will be comprised of visits to campus that will engage students by:- Exploring interests/majors
- Connecting students with GenOne college student mentors
- Experiencing campus life
- Reinforcing the importance and impact of high school academics
- Gaining an appreciation for and benefits of a higher education degree
- Preparing students to better understand how to get admitted and financial opportunities and pathways.
- Demonstrating that college is an achievable goal.
Get Connected! to be a GenOne Mentor for College Bound ESU campus visits.
- Carole L. Reilly GenOne Scholarship
The scholarship was established to support students who are first-generation college students (neither parent nor guardian graduated from a 4-year institution) and who demonstrate significant financial need.
Carole Reilly was a single mother who raised 4 children and worked as the professional secretary for the Student Government Association, formerly known as the Student Senate. After her passing in 2010, this scholarship was created in her honor. It stands today as a model of her strength, dedication, and determination to support her children and to allow them the opportunity to further their education at various institutions of higher education. Carole’s strong values enabled her to nurture the success of many student leaders at ESU throughout her 28 years of employment with the Student Activity Association.
Recipients must be enrolled in the spring semester as an undergraduate student, have completed at least 12 credits at ESU with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. To complete the application, you will be required to relay "What inspired you to be a first-generation college student, and why did you choose East Stroudsburg University?" In addition, a list the co-curricular activities you are currently involved in is required to be submitted. Award winners are selected by the ESU Student Activity Association (SAA) Board of Directors.
The annual scholarship application is available in March for the following academic year. For eligibility and more information, please visit the ESU Foundation's Carole L. Reilly GenOne Scholarship webpage.
ESU GenOne Coalition
What it is?
Created in 2024, the GenOne Coalition is made up of faculty and staff that are dedicated to supporting the First-Generation College experience at ESU. The group meets several times a year to support the student leadership of the two GenOne organizations and develops ways for faculty and staff to understand and embrace the unique experiences of students who are first in their family to attend and graduate from college. Additionally, the committee is charged with celebrating ESU employees who are first generation college students and graduates as well as empowering faculty and staff to engage and participate in programs throughout the academic year.

Executive Director of Student Activity Association

Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Title of Department Leader
- Assistant Professor
- Name
- Jessica Santiago, Ph.D.
- E:
- jsantiago1@esu.edu
- Phone:
- 570-422-3566