Wellness Certification Path

Through the Wellness Certification, individual students and student organizations will have the opportunity to learn about basic wellness and responsible behavior choices.

They will be able to set up personal fitness goals and learn about responsible decision making when it comes to suicide prevention, sexual health, alcohol and other drugs.

The Wellness Certification is sponsored through programs developed within Campus Rec & Wellness and Wellness Education & Prevention.


Ten points are required to earn the Wellness Certification. Approved programs include the following, and can be completed through:

  1. Scheduled Events
    See the list below, or visit WarriorLink to see upcoming qualifying events.
    • Attend one approved Wellness Education & Prevention Program (1 point)
    • Attend one approved Campus Rec & Wellness program (1 point)
    • Group Fitness session (1 point)
      See the Group Fitness Schedule (currently not available). Only classes of 45 minutes or more qualify for this section. One class minimum.
    • Sport Activities participation (2 points)

      You can participate in one or both of the following areas to fulfill this requirement:
  2. By appointment only
    Contact Campus Rec & Wellness at (570) 422-2970 to set up an appointment.
    • One-on-One Wellness Goal Setting Meeting (1 point)
    • Fitness Assessment (2 points)
      • 1 hour—Initial Assessment (1 point)
      • 1 hour—6 week follow up Fitness Assessment (1 point)
  3. Online
    • Ask. Listen. Refer (1 point)
    • Request a Condom-Gram (1 point)
      • To participate in Condom-Gram.
    • Participate in ScreenU (1 point)
      • Complete the three platforms (RX, Cannabis, and Alcohol), print or download the certificates, and email them to Brittany Powers to get credit. This will serve as confirmation when you fill out the submission on WarriorLink.

Contact Us

For questions or feedback, please contact Fernando Alcántar, Director of Student Engagement, at falcantar@esu.edu.

Contact Information

Campus Address
University Center 223
(570) 422-3291
Title of Department Leader
Assistant Director of Student Engagement
Sam Botnick